"I believe that the general outlines of humankind's immediate future (200 years or so) are clear. Experts can and do argue about predictions and trends, but at the end of the day, most of them agree on these broad points
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wow. it's really unbelievable how uninformed and blissfully ignorant most humans - well, most americans - are. we have really destroyed the earth, the bush administration won't admit it, and because of our own disgusting culture, the whole idea of armageddon or the very real possibility of someday seeing this happen, seems like a joke. i think it's really important that you posted that.
What do you mean the Bush administration wont admitt it? Look outside you can see it. Most things people can notice if they just looked then they blame it on other people for not informing them of it. Now i mean no offense to you, hell I dont even know who you are, I am simply saying that the thing about Common sense is that it's not too common, which is ironic that if one posseses common sense they are more intellegent than many whom are coinsidered elite by our standards.
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