Ok I really suck at not talking to people...so instead I ask my beloved friends...if you do want to poke me for whatever reason, please consult this list to see if you can poke me or not or else I WILL GET MAD!
Things I consider emergency enough that you should poke me on msn...
1. If something is happening at M.13 that requires my attention ASAP
- This includes files that are ready for FC and I haven't received them yet
- Someone's gone missing and I need to track them down
- Missing files that are needed right that instant
- Scary admin work >.>
2. If there is important SJ news which involve the following
- NEW MV release
- NEW song release
- BIG NEWS - ie something majorly happening with SJ - as in break up, dropping out, accidents [I do pray no one will annoy me on msn for this >.>]
- Otherwise if there's SJ news you do wish to share to me...email me or drop a comment here...I'll read it...eventually
3. Something's happening to one of the M.13'ers [I also pray this won't happen]
- in the case that something does, please text me >.> Most of you girls have my number
Ok so that's all I can think of right now >.> I will edit this list if something needs to be added.
And yes I am incredibly insane but I really don't need any distractions atms and people tend to ignore my msn nickname...I have MSN on in case of emergencies and also if someone desperately needs to talk to me or whatever or if my ninja'ing doesn't seem to be working.
If anyone needs to contact me - email me [lil_aqua_chic@hotmail.com] or if you're from M.13 or SJ*FH, drop me a PM, I check both forums constantly.
And in the case that I do poke someone...which I know I will do often, ignore me please, especially if I decide I need to spazz about SJ T_T seriously someone here needs to take away all my media files somehow *sighs*
And don't say I didn't warn you...I get rly cranky when I'm stressed...so if you've read and STILL poke me for reasons that ARENT on that list, be prepared to be yelled at or completely ignored. If I get sidetracked by you...I will seek revenge
I AM NOT INSANE...I just have no self control and I really hope all of you, my beloved friends, will assist me this way in my studies.