aLLY CaMe oVeR LaST NiGHT aND We WeNT To THe MaLL!!..iT WaS So MuCH FFUUNN!!..i LoVe THT GiiRL! We WeRe GoNNa GeT ouR NaiLS DoNe ToDaY BuT SHe HaD To Go BaBYSiT!!..GRRRRR!..aNyWaYS..iM BoReD NoW!! BuT iM GoiN To ATLaNTa ToMoRRoW FoR THaNKSGiViNG!!..YUUUUUM!!..iM Soooo EXCiTeD!!.. So YeaH..i GoTS 2 Go! I ♥ YaLL!!.. aND CCAALLEEBB!!
me and emily are goin to the movies tonight and seeing the harry potter movie...i heard it was pretty good..and then we are coming back here and hangin out!..then we have a bball game vs Berry monday..FuN!..well i gots 2 go! I ♥ CaLeB!