Review - Harry Potter & the Deathly Hallows

Jul 23, 2007 10:17

Ok. So this is just a warning first ah. I'll put my thoughts and view under a cut.


So there.


Favourite chapters in the book "The Seven Potters", "Fallen Warrior" and "The Prince's Tale" (not sure of the exact name of the chapter since I don't have the book with me now.

I like both "The Seven Potters" and "Fallen Warrior" because they're so intertwined together? And because it's so much in the beginning of the book and we all know that Rowling is killing off characters, it just makes it so much more exciting. And also because I've been keeping myself "spoiler free" from this book, I've had no expectations whatsoever in regards to who's going to die etc. And yeah, I thought Hagrid was dead for a minute since he was one of the "hot contenders" for the position.

"The Prince's Tale" - Snape was not one of the characters that I liked at the beginning of the series. But as time passes (and book written), we get a sense that there's a lot more to Snape that Rowling is letting on. So in the HBP, when Rowling said we'll get to know Snape more, I was sorely disappointed since there wasn't anything significant that was added on that we didn't already know.

So, I was looking forward to DH on Snape's involvement, but sad to say, he was almost non existent in the book. And it's really sad coz I'm sure Snape deserves a lot more, but everything about him in crammed into 1 chapter and presented in bits and pieces of the pensieve, no less. And his death? It's like "bam" Voldy kills him. The End. He deserves a more "worthy" death, so as to speak.

And this deserves a paragraph on its own. I thought it was heartbreakingly sweet that he asked Harry to look at him when he's dying. A bit cheesy I know, but at least now we know that Snape cared about someone.

Least favourite chapter - Not exactly a chapter so as to speak. Those who have read the book probably already know what I'm talking about - The Epilogue. When I read that I was like WTF???? Yes most people like happy ending and all but that was going a bit too far man. I mean Albus Severus Potter? Overkill man Rowling, overkill. It's like Rowling suddenly had an overdose of sugar and wrote that part. I can bitch so much more about this but I guess anyone who've read that book will probably feel the same way I do.

The only thing I like was when Neville became professor Longbottom (mainly because I guessed that correctly when Rowling said that 1 of the characters will become a teacher at Hogwarts.

R.A.B & Harry being the 7th Horcrux - Not much surprise there since it was already so much speculated amongst the fans.

Dudley - He's actually grateful to Harry!! "You're not a waste of space" - or something like that lah.

Dumbly - Yes, I was depressed and in denial when Rowling killed him, but he was around so much in this book! So yay to that!

Fred's death - This one hit me the most simply because I cannot imagine George being funny and all without Fred. No more twin joke :(

Lupin - What's up with him man? He was being so emo and all, so much so that he doesn't seemed like him anymore. I mean, I cannot imagine him being so...sulky (for a lack of better word) about the marriage and the baby. And erm, somehow, I wasn't very affected by Tonk's and his death? And I've always liked Lupin since he's the only sensible 1 amongst the 4 Marauders. Maybe because the death was just thrown in our face.

Luna & Nerville - continuing on DA. Simply wonderful :)

Voldy - Ermmm...he died pretty quickly? That's all I can say..hahahaha. Other than that, there was no doubt that he'll die.

Ron & Hermione - You know the part where Ron got splitched (the first time) and after that he was all weird about saying Voldy's name and all? I thought he was under a spell or something can? Coz it's so unlike Ron to be the way he was, though I guess it was right when Harry (or is it someone else?) mention that Ron, being pampered by Mrs Weasley with food and all that will react that way.

And the kiss between Ron & Hermione. Yes, I think they're a cute couple, but it just seems like Rowling is just putting the kiss there just for the sake of it. Like what Harry said "Oi! There's a war going on here!". Oh well, at least we can more or less expect this redundant kiss scene to appear in the movie version. LOL.

And somehow, I cannot imagine Hermione going all emo and crying sooooo much. Just weird.

Mrs Weasley killing Bellatrix - GO MRS WEASLEY!!! And if I remember correctly, Mrs Weasley actually called Bellatrix a bitch...or something to that extent. HAHA!

Kreacher - Again, the part about using Kreacher in the cave was very much speculated. But, Kreacher wearing a clean towel and serving stew is so unexpected! But good though. Even though Kreacher has always been irritating, I sometimes find him cute. And him leading the house elves to fight Voldy with his war cry, priceless ;)

Dobby - How to describe Dobby. He's annoying but sweet and cute at the same time. And I was also very much affected by his death (after Fred's). The part where Harry was digging his grave and the rest putting clothes on Dobby was so sad!

And there're a few things bugging me throughout the book. Like you know how they said because Dumbly is dead, the rest of the characters who know about Sirius's place automatically become the secret keeper? Er, then why can't Voldy ask Snape to tell the death eaters the location of the place then? Then the death eaters don't have to spend so much time stalking the place right? *is blur*

So yeah. Now thinking back, somehow I have this feeling that nothing much was going on in the middle of the book (which is like the majority). I mean, most of the time, Harry, Ron, and Hermione was just moving here and there, putting spells around their tent, and going nowhere *shrugs*

Most of the action is at the last few chapters of the book though, and it was moving so quickly.

Oh yah. Rowling mentioned that there will be 1 character who will "inherit" (so as to speak) his/her magic much later than others right? Errrr, who was it ah? Coz I most probably missed it.

All in all, not my favourite book in the Potter Series. I was quite disappointed with it actually. Maybe because I was expecting too much?

However, it's definitely an end to the series. Pity it didn't go out with a bang though.
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