and she said, "there are snails in my salad."

Nov 15, 2005 09:33

Your Name: Lisa
Your Height: 5'4.5''
Your Age: 20
Your Birthdate: June 04

Your Haircolor: dark brown
Your Eyecolor: green

Currently listening to: ::ashamed:: Ashlee Simpson
Currently Wearing: new brown sweater, jeans, pumas, and random jewelry, plus my iPod.
Currently Feeling: productive, which does not make sense; I'm on livejournal.
Currently Eating: rien
Currently Drinking: rien, encore.

Favorite day: oh, I don't know; I love Saturday just like the next person, though that's because I normally am doing things with my friends and the nightbus runs until 02h30.  However, I like Monday's here because I only have one class, and it is REALLY easy.
Favorite show: I don't really watch TV anymore, but when I do, I still love The Daily Show with Jon Stewart and Gilmore Girls (what has my roommie done to me?)
Favorite Person: quoi?  qui demande cette question?!
Favorite Food: les galettes et les crepes...mmmmmmhmmmmmm....oh, et le chocolat chaud a La Bourse.
Favorite Drink: le chocolat a La Bourse
Favorite Sport: football et football americain.

Plans for today: woke up trop tot, had class at 08h00 (though finished early; PLUS), sat on my ass and was lazy (hence, this entry), hopefully doing a couple errands and eating lunch before my 11h30, and then class from 11h30-16h15, then dinner, et apres ca, le club de conversatoin ici.  Puis, je retournerai chez moi.
Plans for tomorrow: uh, sleep until 08h00 (woot!), class until 10h50, lunch, and work at 13h00 jusqu'a 18h00.  Then dinner chez moi avec ma famille.
Plans for the week: um, more classes and work, maybe a play Friday afternoon? and maybe a day trip to some town around here.
Plans for the month: wow, that's a lot of plans, but Bruxelles (hopefully) in two weeks after the Thanksgiving dinner, the Thanksgiving dinner (obviously), and classes and work.
Phone or Internet: I prefer Internet, but if it's textmessaging, there we go: my heaven.
Large party or Small get together: smallish groups, but no bigger than 10 or 11 personnes, s'il te plait.
Comedy or Horror: comedy...horror scares me.
Love or Hate: hate, obviously.  Seriously, who would choose love?  (qui est le connard qui demande cette question?  La personnes qui est seriuse quand elle reponde a cette question avec "hate" est STUPIDE.  bien sur, je choisirais "love.")
Single or Group date: single
Black or White: black on me...

Do you own a Cell phone?: ouais...
Do you own a Car?: ouais...
Do you have a tattoo?: oh non, j'ai peur des "needles"...
Do you have any piercings?: four in each ear at the moment.
Do you want to get married?: ouais.
Do you have/want kids?: je ne sais pas; demande-moi plus tard.

Last person you talked to: my mama on the phone hier soir.
Last person you hugged: probably mes parents in October.
Last person you IMed: I IMed?  My mama, I think, but je ne suis pas sur.
Last Person who slept in your bed: you mean, before me?  L'etudiant qui etait ici avant moi, mais personne avec moi.
Last Person who made you mad: who doesn't annoy me?  ;)
Last person who came to your house: laquelle?  ma maison en France ou ma maison dans le Kansas?  France: je ne sais pas.  Kansas: je ne sais pas.

7 Have you Ever...
(x) Slept all night in a bed with a person of the opposite sex
(x) Slept all night in a bed with a person of the same sex
(  ) Slept for more than 12 hours
(  ) missed a week of school or more
(x) Put chapstick on more than 5 times in an hour
(  ) Kissed more than one person in a day
(  ) Eaten a worm
(x) Jumped on a trampoline
(  ) Ridden a unicycle
(x) Done something special for someone else
(  ) Paid more than $50 for food at a fast food resturant
(  ) Got caught cheating on a test
(  ) Talked on the phone while going to the bathroom
(x) Brushed your teeth while on the phone
(x) Written a poem
(  ) Randomly called people out of a phone book
(  ) Been on a yacht
(x) Put bananas in your cheerios
(  ) Lied to a friend to make them feel better
(  ) Dated or hooked up with someone 2 years older/younger than you.
(x) Eaten frosting out of the original container
(x) Fallen in public
(x) Had your pants rip
(  ) Recently had a PB&J sandwich
(  ) have your parents meet your principal
(  ) Killed an animal
(  ) Been prescribed to 3 or more medications by a doctor
(  ) Wished you were an only child
(  ) Used your friends razor with out them knowing
(x) Been unproud of a decision you made
(  ) worked for a family member
(x) Been told you were too young
(  ) Made out in a car
(  ) Kissed a friend, then their best friend
(x) Been to a concert
(x) Gotten away with a lie to your parents
(  ) Been dumped the night of a dance and left with out a date
(x) Been cheated on.
(  ) Gone out with a person one of your parents set you up with
(  ) Hate to admit you are wrong
(x) Ridden in a shopping cart
(  ) danced in a Mini Mart
(  ) Went into a mini mart in socks
(x) worn a tiara
(x) Been in a play
(  ) Gone to church more than 2 times in a week
(  ) copied more than 30 CD's in a day
(x) Worn 2 or more layers of clothing
(x) Had a stalker
(x) Been to California
(  ) Lived on a house boat
(x) Swam in clear blue water
(x) Sat in a doctors office with a friend
(  ) Run across 6 lanes of traffic
(x) Made fish lips
(  ) Hit on a waitress/waiter
(x)Taken pictures with a stranger
(x) Been to Busch Gardens
(x) Made a public speech
(x) Been on television
(  ) Choreographed a dance
(x) Felt used
(x) Made a smoothie or milkshake
(x) Watched Desperate Housewives
(x) Watched a movie/TV Show so often you could quote every word
(x) Listened to an old NSYNC or Backstreet Boys CD more than once in a day AFTER they were popular
(  ) Kept something from a past relationship
(x) Given someone else flowers
(x) Taken a foreign language suis en France.
(x) Laughed for no apparent reason

8. what did u do last night?: returned to my house, ate dinner, looked up the word poodle, talked to my mama on the phone, and then did more homework before bed.
9. Who was the last person you called?: my mama.
10. What does the 5th text on your phone say?: I erase all the sms' after I read them.

11. When was the last time you thought about sex? ne sais pas.
12. When was the last time you got hurt? what kind of hurt?  Physically...last week when my damn heels gave me two damn blisters after walking in them all day; emotionally: last year.
13. When was the last time you cried?: last week.
14. When was the last time you lost something?: yesterday, but I found it last night.
15. What was the last movie you watched?: "Oliver Twist" (the new version)
16. What was the last t.v show that you watched?: Urgences (ER in French).
17. What do you want for your b-day?: I don't's way too far away for me to know.  Oh, wait, alcohol because I'll be legal.
18. What are you doing tonight? wasn't this a part of my "what are your plans for today?" question?  I have le club de conversation and then return to my house, probably doing more homework.
19. When was the last time you went on vacation?: I'm on vacation, baby. 
20. How do you feel right now? productive.

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