I was hoping that you could help me out. I'm planning on taking my own senior pictures, because I'm REALLY tight on money right now. Your pictures always turn out abolutely GORGEOUS and I was just wondering if you'd give me a few tips. I'm not exactly sure where to start. If you're interesting in lending me your expert advice, my e-mail address is danceinside22@gmail.com.
I say you go outside on a cloudy ish day so you get good lighting on your beautiful face. If it's too sunny you'll be all squinty and get harsh shadows on your face.. Go for plain, repetitive patterns or solid colours for your clothes, as to make sure it doesn't distract everyone looking from seeing you. And I hope you're getting someone else to take the pictures (mom, or something?) because all arm-length shots won't be what you want...
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I was hoping that you could help me out. I'm planning on taking my own senior pictures, because I'm REALLY tight on money right now. Your pictures always turn out abolutely GORGEOUS and I was just wondering if you'd give me a few tips. I'm not exactly sure where to start. If you're interesting in lending me your expert advice, my e-mail address is danceinside22@gmail.com.
If it's too sunny you'll be all squinty and get harsh shadows on your face..
Go for plain, repetitive patterns or solid colours for your clothes, as to make sure it doesn't distract everyone looking from seeing you.
And I hope you're getting someone else to take the pictures (mom, or something?) because all arm-length shots won't be what you want...
Any questions?
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