What are your flaws?

Jun 01, 2009 00:19

Everyone has flaws, no one is perfect…I believe it’s up to the person if they want to fix their flaws...and I also believe that people are capable of changing if they're willing to make the effort to.

Let’s see….My flaws??...Lol….I  have quite a lot actually. Some of which I’m working on to fix since I don’t like that about myself.

  1. Low self-esteem

                  I think I’m doing a lot better on this…I’m more confident in myself…and now I don’t believe that I’m useless and I know that I am worth something…I know I’m not worthless. I am beautiful in my own special way.  If anyone can’t see that, then they’re not worth my time. I do deserve to be happy and to have a good time. I am neither evil nor stupid. I’m still working on building up my self-esteem and to believe in myself.
  1. I can’t stand up for myself and tend to let people walk all over me

                  This is a pretty big flaw in my opinion that I do not like about myself…I am trying very hard to change this about myself. I want to be able to stand up for myself because I don’t want to be walked all over and taken advantage of, but I have a difficult time because I’m often too nice and I hate to cause problems…Also, there are very little things that bother me and I tend to forgive people very easily. I don’t tend to stay mad at a person for very long and I don’t like to hold grudges.
  1. Very emotional

      I’m getting better at this…I have better control of my emotions…and I am getting better at not letting my emotions take over my decisions and logic.
  1. Clumsy

      Lol…not really something I can do about…I tend to be really klutzy around guys that I really like…It can get pretty bad sometimes…I drop things and then I trip over my own feet -_-  I’m getting a little better, and I’m not as klutzy as I use to be…I don’t run into things anymore…well, sometimes I do, but not as much. XD  
  1. Sensitive

      I am pretty sensitive…and I sometimes take things to heart…I’m working on this and I’m starting to get better at not letting what people say to me affect me so much.
  1. I tend to drift off/day dream leading me not to hear what other people are saying to me

                  Lol…this can get pretty bad sometimes…I sometimes zone out…and people have to snap their fingers in front of my face to get back to reality…I am a total daydreamer…and I tend to think a lot…I usually have a lot on my mind, but I only share all my thoughts and open up to really close people that I know I can trust.
  1. competitive

                  I’m getting better at this…I used to be really competitive, especially in sports…this tends to get me angry and I get really into a game…I used to hate losing, but I’m getting a bit better at this…now when I’m playing a game, I just want to have fun. (:  
  1. stubborn

      I’m still quite stubborn, but now I actually listen to other people’s opinions and take them into consideration…I’m also more open to other viewpoints….I use to be very narrow minded, but I like that I changed that about myself…To be narrow minded, you tend to be naïve about things going around you and you don’t consider other opinions/viewpoints.
  1. I put others before myself…which could be a good and bad thing

      I don’t take much time for myself…which is kind of bad, but I really care about others and I always try to be there for other people before myself.  
  1. naïve
  2. gullible 

      I’m quite gullible…It’s quite easy to trick me…So pranks can be easily pulled on me, sadly -_-

I also know I can be easily manipulated. I’m slowly working on this.
12. kinda shy
        I'm getting better at this...I use to be afraid of saying anything because I was afraid of being judged...But now I'm more talkative then before, and I say more of what's on my mind. I'm definitely more out going then I was before.

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