(no subject)

Sep 23, 2005 07:42

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1) What video game does bigmikenc remind you of? good question
2) Would you wrestle conijayne in jello? yea
3) Where was ___3am_romance born? Greensboro
4) What song/movie would you recommend to ______imlovinit? not sure
5) What is ______imlovinit's favorite food? not sure
6) What word best describes ___3am_romance? Prep
7) What do you disagree with larrylongshot about? everything
8) conijayne's hair color? brown
9) What is ___3am_romance's favorite movie? not sure
10) What is conijayne's shoe size? 8 1/2
11) What would ___3am_romance give bigmikenc for his/her birthday? not a thing
12) Which of your friends should conijayne go out with? in a realationship
13) How tall is conijayne? 5"????
14) Is ___3am_romance an emo? ummmm...
15) Did bigmikenc break up with you? in the past but we are together now
16) Does ______imlovinit have a dog? no
17) Have you flirted with bigmikenc? all the time
18) If ___3am_romance was a superhero, who would be his/her archnemesis? dont know
19) If ______imlovinit took over the world, who would be happy? no one
20) What is larrylongshot's favorite band/artist? dont care
21) Where was bigmikenc born? maryland
22) What animal does ___3am_romance remind you of? dog
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