Year in Review
1. What did you do in 2005 that you'd never done before?
Bought a car, graduated college, had a girlfriend for 9 and a half months and counting, fell in love, got into and started law school.
2. Did you keep your new years' resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
I don't really remember any resolutions I made last year, although I do usually used to resolve to have a girlfriend/fall in love so that was kept...I think I'm writing a Mondo Beyondo list for next year with Tracy which are long term resolutions so we'll see how that turns out.
3. Did anyone close to you give birth?
Well my cousin Gwen had a baby, Morgan, who is extremely cute and I saw for the first time yesterday. I was told by a palm reader a month ago that I would be married and my wife would be pregnant within 1 year and 9 months. I certainly hope that doesn't come true.
4. Did anyone close to you die?
Can't think of anyone off hand. How sad was it that Leo from West Wing died though? I think my favorite West Wing episode is "Noel" where Leo waits for Josh and tells him the story of the ditch. Also classic is the line from season one, "Do you have a best friend who's smarter than you? That's your Chief of Staff".
5. What countries did you visit?
None, really have to work on that.
6. What would you like to have in 2006 that you lacked in 2005?
This is a tough one. A job lined up for the summer of 2007 with a law firm would be nice. I truly am blessed with a lot of wonderful and amazing things and people in my life, can't say that there's too much I would change.
7. What date from 2005 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
Two dates: February 15th and March 9th.
February 15th was when I found out that I got into U of I Law School, they called me up on the phone in the middle of class and I couldn't quite hear the message so I left in the middle of class to call them back and they congratulated me on getting in. At that point I started skipping on the sidewalk with a huge smile on my face all the way to my apartment when I proceeded to call almost everyone that I know or IMed/E-mailed them and then continued jumping around for about 3 days. Looking back, I probably wouldn't have been that excited if I knew law school would be this hard, but it was amazing fun at the time.
March 9th I met this girl from Craigslist at Peets Coffee in Evanston, during my last week of classes, and was kind of nervous. I drank a bunch of coffee and talked probably more than I ever have in front of a stranger telling her about my streaking in Colorado and other crazy things I had done in college thinking they would impress her. Then we walked around the campus of Northwestern, she made me buy her a donut in front of the rock, we walked around the lakefill, and ultimately I walked her back to her car. I gave her a hug and asked her if she wanted to go ice skating on the weekend. Well after a few more e-mails and talking on the phone we went ice skating in Millenium Park, stopped at a coffee shop, I showed her my apartment in Evanston, asked her out on another date, and 9 plus months later the rest is history.
8. What was your biggest achievement of the year?
Graduating from college is probably a big one. I'm particularly proud of my leadership of my mock trial team however, getting 2nd at Silver Nationals and going all the way to Gold nationals. Oh yeah, and getting into U of I law school might be something to celebrate.
9. What was your biggest failure?
Right now I'm feeling like my contracts exam might be my biggest failure ha. I guess I would have liked to travel more, but that takes money and a good car.
10. Did you suffer illness or injury?
Nah, I'm invincible. (Knocks on wood)
11. What was the best thing you bought?
I think buying Tracy's heart necklace and surprising her with it on her graduation was a wonderful thing that I bought. My car was a good buy, but man are cars expensive.
12. Whose behavior merited celebration?
My friends and family, my mock trial team, Tracy for constantly suprising me and overwhelming me with her love, journalists for having a backbone once again.
13. Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed?
That woman named Katrina, and the whole mess that came afterwards. George Bush - Just between Katrina, Harriet Miers and Spying he had a horrible year without even mentioning the war or Terry Schiavo. Got kind of upset at my ex-roommates Hari and Bryan for not cleaning the old apartment up as best they could, but we worked through that.
14. Where did most of your money go?
Hmm. 560*8 + 398*4 = $6072 for rent, spent $1600 to buy my car plus another $900 at least for repairs/gas. $500 at least on Chipotle. Back when I was working three jobs, I spent an awful lot on fast food. Dates/Flowers/Gifts with/for Tracy. Movies. Some clothes. I'm down to trying to spend $100 dollars a week in law school.
15. What did you get really, really, really excited about?
Getting into law school, starting law school. Going swimming in my old apartment's pool. Graduating. The Cubs. The Bears. Chipotle opening in Champaign.
16. What song will always remind you of 2005?
Sufjan Stevens - Chicago
17. Compared to this time last year, are you:
A. Happier or sadder? Happier
B. Thinner or fatter? Probably fatter by about 7-10 pounds
C. Richer or poorer? More loans taken out, so I guess that counts as poorer.
18. What do you wish you'd done more of?
Gone into Chicago, taken in more of Evanston, thrown an extra party or two in my old apartment. Go out to more bars.
19. What do you wish you'd done less of?
Eating fast food. Working. Studying. I don't tend to overindulge.
20. How did you spend Christmas?
Woke up around 9, opened presents with my family (DVD's, stuff for my car, clothes), went to my Grandma's and Tracy came over where we talked and then opened presents, went over to Tracy's aunt's house which is 5 minutes away and ate, played Encore, watched the Bears game, opened more presents, went back to my Grandma's for desert, went over to my Granddad's for a bit to drop off food. Came home and watched Mr. and Mrs. Smith.
21. What's the craziest thing you did this year?
Goodness, compared to last year this year was really tame. I think honestly the craziest thing that I did this year was falling in love if that can be called crazy. Everything after that is just gravy.
22. Did you fall in love in 2005?
See above.
23. How many one-night stands?
24. What was your favorite TV program?
The usual suspects: 24, Arrested Development, The Daily Show, Entourage
Newcomers: Rome, The Colbert Report, Lost, The Boondocks
25. Do you hate anyone now that you didn't hate this time last year?
I make it a habit to try and not hate anyone, it's not healthy.
26. What was the best book you read?
My Friend Leonard by James Frey was very good but not quite as good as a Million Little Pieces. I think Haunted by Chuck Palahniuk was the best book I read this year though. There is some primo writing in there, albeit very disturbing.
27. What was your greatest musical discovery?
Sufjan Stevens. U2! (I had songs of theirs on my Ipod, but I can't believe I hadn't truly listened to their music until now). New Ben Folds and Foo Fighters was amazing as usual.
28. What did you want and get?
A girlfriend :). Spending all types of holidays with my girlfriend (Fireworks off of my porch in Evanston, Thanksgiving, Christmas and soon New Years). A car. To get into law school. A blazer. Respect and self-confidence, purpose.
29. What was your favorite film of this year?
Syriana. King Kong. Sin City. Batman Begins. Broken Flowers.
Batman was probably my favorite considering that I could barely form words after seeing it.
30. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
22! I spent the day with Tracy, and she had an amazing day planned out for me all of which was a complete surprise. First we went to Walker Bros. for some Chocolate Chip pancakes and I opened up my gift and a very thoughtful letter from Tracy. Then we went into Evanston and walked among the rocks, where she completely surprised me by having a rock painted saying Happy 22nd Birthday Jon. Then we went into Chicago and saw Hari who I hadn't seen for about 3 months and we caught up for an hour, whereupon I got my palm read with some interesting results. Then we headed back to Old Orchard and saw about half of Pride and Prejudice before walking out, and I met my parents for dinner in Des Plaines. A wonderful day.
31. What would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
Hanging out with friends more is really the only thing I can think of.
32. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2005?
I worked at a law firm so I definately styled it up this past year. Nice pants and button down shorts with my long coat and scarf, and I even added a blazer or too in the past 2 months. Add into that getting nice haircuts instead of Great Clips haircuts. And nice cologne. Not to be arrogant or anything, but at times I looked pretty damn good if I say so myself. As I always say, if you look good you feel good. I feel good my friends.
33. What kept you sane?
Knowing that I didn't have to work 3 jobs and have 4 classes and mock trial for more than 3 months. After getting into law school, knowing that my future with regards to a job was for the most part set. After a few months of going out with Tracy, knowing that I truly wanted to be with her and only her for a very long time. In law school, Tracy kept me grounded and not as obsessed about school. And momentum. In February for some inexplicable reason really good things started happening and it seemed that all of the hard work that I had put in in the past months really started to pay off. Good things just haven't stopped happening for me since then it seems.
34. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?
This Barack Obama fellow is pretty smart. Oh yeah, and Patrick Fitzgerald is my new hero and who I want to be when I grow up.
35. What political issue stirred you the most?
Katrina. I think Bush, Cheney and Rice and especially "Brownie" should be forced to live there. That whole CIA leak thing even though Rove is still hanging on by a thread. Bush gets to nominate two people to the Supreme Court? Are you kidding me?
36. Who did you miss?
Hari and Bryan and the rest of the Northwestern people. Northwestern just in general.
37. Who was the best new person you met?
This one is super-easy. T-r-a-c-y. I met some cool people at law school so far too.
38. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2005:
Sometimes, the hard work in the end pays off. Surprises come in many different forms. Responsibility can be the fun and right thing to do. It is definately not all about sex. There is an art to truly knowing someone, and it comes from being there day after day through the good and the bad times; the fun and easy nights out and the difficult and sometimes disconcerting discussions. You find out what you truly want through your actions - sometimes you act before you can think, and your reactions speak louder than anything you may have thought or felt. There are moments in life that you only can truly appreciate after a few years have passed. Love is not easy, nor does it happen over night but it is the greatest thing and what sustains the very humanity in us all. I am smarter than I realize, yet at times very ignorant about many aspects of the world.
39. Quote a song lyric that sums up your year:
U2 - City of Blinding Lights
The more you see the less you know
The less you find out as you go
I knew much more then than I do now
Neon heart day-glow eyes
A city lit by fireflies
They're advertising in the skies
For people like us
And I miss you when you're not around
I'm getting ready to leave the ground
Oh you look so beautiful tonight
In the city of blinding lights
Don't look before you laugh
Look ugly in a photograph
Flash bulbs purple irises
The camera can't see
I've seen you walk unafraid
I've seen you in the clothes you made
Can you see the beauty inside of me?
What happened to the beauty I had inside of me?
And I miss you when you're not around
I'm getting ready to leave the ground
Oh you look so beautiful tonight
In the city of blinding lights
Won't leave me as I am
But time won't take the boy out of this man
Oh you look so beautiful tonight
Oh you look so beautiful tonight
Oh you look so beautiful tonight
In the city of blinding lights
The more you know the less you feel
Some pray for others steal
Blessings are not just for the ones who kneel... luckily