Girls Accused Of Trying To Stab Kitten
By Eileen Bennett
Dec. 30, 2004
Warning: This article may be offensive to anyone with a heart.
Now that I've warned you, judge for yourself whether or not I'm being melodramatic:
Cumberland County (NJ) SPCA officials charged a pair of 13-year-old stepsisters with animal cruelty after they allegedly tortured a kitten and buried it in a vacant lot.
The girls are accused of trying to stab the kitten, which was only eight months old. When the kitten didn't bleed, the girls began stomping on it.
The kitten suffered broken bones and internal bleeding, among other injuries. It was found buried with its head above ground and a red tank top tied around its neck.
A veterinarian determined that the kitten probably suffocated from the compression of dirt that was packed around its body. A second kitten escaped the girls' wrath and officials are searching for it.
Once I recovered from the shocking brutality and heartlessness of the act, I immediately began to worry. This kind of action is not normal.
It harkens back to some kind of deep-seated emotional problems that
surely will surface again in these two girls.
In fact, mental health experts believe animal cruelty is one of the signposts of violence later on in the offenders' lives.
The U.S. Human Society declares definitively there is a link between animal cruelty and human violence.
According to the Humane Society, a 1995 showed that 32 percent of the pet-owning victims of domestic abuse reported that one or more of their children had hurt or killed a pet.
Similarly, a 1983 study of pet-owning families referred to New Jersey authorities for suspected child abuse showed more than a third included children who were abusive to animals.
Those studies would indicate one undisputable fact:
Violence begets violence.
There is something very disturbing going on in this latest case of animal abuse. The act is so repulsive it goes against normal human sensibilities. To do something this heinous, surely there must be some kind of void in a person's soul.
Animal rights groups are becoming more vocal in urging prosecutors to seek the maximum penalty for those who abuse animals. The animal abuse charge dictates mandatory counseling for those found guilty of the crime.
The Human Society takes it one step further. It publishes materials that help teachers teach "humane education."
Teachers are urged to establish a theme of kindness, respect and tolerance.
What a great idea. If ever any subject was ever addressed in a classroom, this is it. We all would like to think we are born with a sense of human sensibility.
Unfortunately, stories such as that on the kitten abuse case proves some of us aren't.
read that..i really couldn't agree more with ms. bennett...and this article disgusted me..people are so sick
alrite onto happier things..happy new year guys!! hope everyone has an amazing year with many many good things to come and as for the class of it comes :) its so real now..