aww hehe, you'll get to know your way around pretty quick i'm sure! chester campus is great cuz of the fact its quite small and compact (i.e. they have nowhere else to build so they just build over the critchley building car park instead *ahem*)! all u need to know is where your halls are (i miss my fisher room!), where your lectures are, where the union is, and which direction town is and you're sorted! :-)
Hey, Its Jenny. <3 I only just recieved the last comment you left me because LJ has been strange with its e mails and I thought you didn't want to hear from me.
I am so grateful for your message, you dont know how happy it makes me and how touched that you could step back from the situation and be so understanding and just, perfect. I'm proud to call you my friend.
Give Neil a hug from me when you see him next, and thank you for taking care of him, I'm still so worried. @_@
Re-add me if you feel like you want to, I'd like to see howyou are getting on. <3 *hug*
Comments 15
And I am a gigantic Placebo fan as well. ^^
I added you
Nice photos on your public LJ post btw, am a big fan of black & white photography.
I am so grateful for your message, you dont know how happy it makes me and how touched that you could step back from the situation and be so understanding and just, perfect. I'm proud to call you my friend.
Give Neil a hug from me when you see him next, and thank you for taking care of him, I'm still so worried. @_@
Re-add me if you feel like you want to, I'd like to see howyou are getting on. <3 *hug*
Course I'm gonna re-add you!!
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