wow so today wasnt that bad! school actually wasnt that bad. different. pro because i didnt go to any of my classes except math and physics which are okay classes
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Say it ain't soo-oooooo._rainshine_April 8 2005, 02:58:35 UTC
You are absolutely none of these things: im pathetic, pitiful, despicable, sad, scum, horrible, stupid, unhappy, desperate, HEARTBROKEN!
Only it is kindddd of pathetic that you almost got beat up today. Other then that, you are the opposite of all those things And I loooovee yoyu. I don't think I'll be at aschool toamrow. Good luck surviving those creatures w/o me!!!!! <3333333333 you.
Comments 3
im pathetic, pitiful,
despicable, sad,
scum, horrible,
stupid, unhappy, desperate,
Only it is kindddd of pathetic that you almost got beat up today.
Other then that, you are the opposite of all those things
And I loooovee yoyu.
I don't think I'll be at aschool toamrow. Good luck surviving those creatures w/o me!!!!!
<3333333333 you.
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