A bit different from my usual and much shorter. Constructive criticism welcome.
Alchemy Vs Magic : The Potions Master
A potion may hold the key to granting Edward’s deepest desire. HP/FMA Crossover
Word Count: 304
As usual Edward Elric stormed into the dungeons unannounced, heavy boots clomping against the flagstone flooring. The dark-hared man behind the desk looked up from his cauldron, an annoyed scowl on his face. Edward didn’t flinch at the expression that still managed to scare away even the boldest seventh year. Severus Snape didn’t frighten him. Annoy him, yes, but not scare, and if he said one word, Edward swore the man would find his fist slammed into his greasy face.
“I need you to make me a potion.” Edward demanded as he reached the desk and placed the book he was caring on the surface. Without waiting for a reply, he turned to the page that he’d been staring at for days now, the page that held the answer to all his prayers. “This one, here.” He pointed to the page.
Frowning, the potions master turned the book and read the title of the page. A sardonic smirk spread over his face. “A growth potion.”
The fifth year Slytherin and Griffendor students arrived at their potions lesson to find their professor sporting a fresh bruise on his cheek, and working over a cauldron on his desk. Sitting tied up in the corner behind him, was a ticked off looking blond. Many recognized him as Dumbledore’s guest, since they had seen the loud man storming through the hallways on occasion.
Taking their seats, the Professor stepped from behind his work area and addressed them. “Today you will all prepare a shrinking potion. At the end of class you will all submit a sample to Mr. Elric, who was so kind to volunteer for this procedure-“
“You son of a b-“
Snape pointed his wand at the enrage man and a gag appeared around his mouth, silencing the expletive. Severus smirked; Alchemy 0 - Magic 1.