Just got a message at 10.30pm from a company in huntingdon that i sent my c.v/application form to telling them to ring me back, didn't get through as kaz was getting a phone call asking her for an interview but still is a bit exciting maybe things are looking up
Got 2 more application forms today and 2 letters from previous forms saying they don't want me for an interview!
Ahh well i've been cheering myself up watching Orli on Graham Norton on you tube and filling up my LJ icon space how cute is this pic of Orli and Sidi i love a man who loves dogs
It's raining none of my jeans and trousers from before my trip will fit anymore and i just got a letter saying i have not been successful getting even an interview **sigh**
But i am going to pick up my new car so hopefully that will go better and i have finally found a pair of jeans that will do up oh happy days
Don't know if anyone still has me on their friends list or still checks this. I'm back from travelling now had an amazing time. Back to reality now searching for job and car. The only email i have at the moment is kazandsamstravels@yahoo.co.uk. i lost the others because of not checking them.