The past 24 hour's tweets
- 19:01 I'm pretty fucking jazzed the Titans FINALLY drafted a WR #
- 21:01 @ heartflood I totally have a Hershey bar and a jar of JIF right now. Choosy moms choose the shit out of JIF #
- 21:07 @ heartflood ZOMG CANCER TWINS FTW #
- 21:12 Cole just found my jalapeno jelly bellys and tried to be sneak. EPIC SNEAK FAIL #
- 21:25 and Calvin decided to try a jalapeno jelly belly and started gagging, and then puked. I don't think they will want jelly beans for awhile. #
- 10:55 Locals want to recall the mayor because the new trash contract only has once a week pickup IDIOTS #
- 11:07 Can you get swine flu from bacon? I'm fucked. I'd call the CDC and ask but I don't want to miss the NFL Draft. Damn you Mexico! #
- 11:18 I ordered a weather station. Been wanting one forever. I'm a nerd. #
- 11:21 From now on I am calling all the ladies on hear my Tweethearts.
Not really though
See you tweethearts later! # - 11:22 @ TWCWeekends Del Rio TX flood of 98, I can't properly describe the destruction I witnessed. Not moving, bought a house on the hill though! #
- 11:33 If you sell Avon or pampered chef products, you aren't an entrepreneur nor a CEO. You just sell shit. I sold Kool-Aid when I was 8. #
- 12:13 @ FINALLEVEL Would you put one of your songs on Rock Band or Guitar Hero? Of course...if the price was right. #
- 12:41 @ FINALLEVEL I agree, the kids do need your music. They've been oversaturated with bullshit since about '99 #
- 14:17 I hope the swine flu doesn't have sex with AIDS #
- 14:20 @ JayFingers You going to braid each others hair next? #
- 14:24 Trying something... When I say certain words I magically get followers. So I'm saying big tits - lets see what happens #
- 15:03 @ Mandiekins FOLLOW ME! - It's Lil Ron! FROM THE INTERNETS! #
- 15:12 - OH HAY GUYZ #
- 15:17 @ FINALLEVEL On my earlier question...I know people who know people on the music game tip...I may be in touch, get at me #
- 15:28 I think Swine Flu and Bea Arthur's death came too close together...coincidence? Or something far more conspiratus? Yes, I created that word. #
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