(no subject)

Apr 05, 2009 00:57

You know what-- I'm so angry I could just spit.

I'm fucking sick of people hating me for no goddamn reason. I'm tired of always being concerned about how I treat people but it never getting noticed until I screw up. Why is it that other people can treat others any fucking way they want without any consequences whatsoever but _I_ get hated when all I want is things to be smooth and painless?

You know what-- all I want is to LIVE AND LET LIVE. I just want people to calm the FUCK down and LIVE LIFE without getting bent out of shape for no reason, picking sides, and forming factions. Can't we just be nice to each other?

FUCK no, I guess!

No-- _I'M_ the evil one. I'm the one that tries to be funny because I CAN'T be beautiful and that just ISN'T allowed. It's all BULLSHIT that people who do DESPICABLE things are LOVED by the general population but  I, who AVOID doing them am hated. Yeah-- you hear that right-- HATED. I'm not merely disliked-- I'm actively HATED. As in people go out of their WAY to hate me. And what the fuck did I do to deserve that?!

Here I am, trying to make a living as best I can, trying to keep in touch with ppl I care about (with varying degrees of success) and no one just wants to let it happen! I get fucking customers who go out of their way to fucking call corporate every time I won't take a fucking return because they can't keep track of their MOTHERFUCKING DOG-RAPING RECEIPTS, I get other fucking stores in my FUCKING DISTRICT who ACTIVELY REFUSE to help me out when I'm in a pinch until my FUCKING DISTRICT MANAGER says something to them, and I generally get treated like pariah at every MOTHERFUCKING DISTRICT MEETING we have because -- FUCK I have no motherfucking clue.


I'm sick of it!!! I'm sick of these shitty little popularity contests, and I'm tired of playing the fucking outcast!!! WHO DO I HAVE TO FUCKING KILL TO GET TREATED DECENTLY!?!??!?!

I'm tired of it. I just want to break out the shotgun and start mowing people down until they get the fuck out of my face and leave me alone. Were I 13, I might do just that, but older sensibilities prevent rash solutions, hardy harr harr.

Sorry to burst the collective bubbles of all those younger than me here----- but here I report from the future, telling you that the fucking world doesn't seem to change. I'm still fighting the same battles as I did 10 years ago, but on a different field and more subtly.  And it's worn me the fuck out..

I always thought that it'd get better, though. I just told myself that as I grew older-- as I joined the "grown-ups," it would be a utopia of understanding. That they'd all outgrow the petty silliness of youth and not rely on the pack-like mentality of the young. Well, here I am, 28 years old and still fighting a losing battle against the beautiful, popular people.

Holy SHIT do I hate them. Their fucking vapid brains and souls devoid of personality-- their fucking "ENTITLED" attitudes.


Fuck this shit I'm going to bed-- I'm exhausted and I have to be at work at FUCKING 8 in the FUCKING MORNING to kick off yet another FUCKING sale.

Life blows. If anyone happens to see a passing UFO, send it my way, eh?

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