Here we go again, hoping that it might get better.
Right. Well, 'rare Chitauri metal' - did anyone see the size of those bloody Leviathans? Not to mention the number of Chitauri soldiers and their tech (guns, fliers etc) in 'The Avengers'. Ridiculous.
Skye is a liability, but better to control her than let her loose. I thought Victoria Hand was cleverer than that.
Right, let's get this straight. There's supposed to be someone who is a clairvoyant. But, though s/he can see that Coulson died s/he can't see, very conveniently for the plot, how they revived him, and can't 'see' that Coulson himself doesn't know.
And not another lost father. More bloody Daddy issues. Much prefer Sci's version of Coulson's family, thanks.
Does no one in America take keys out of the ignition? Or lock their cars. Ever?
And why in the world would one build an aircraft with a chamber where hexagonal bits open to the sky? Oh, on the off chance you might have to torture someone...
Oh, Mr villain, just shoot the bitch and make the rest of us happy.
'Commander Hill'??????
And just why is Coulson so important. It's a bad writing mistake. People liked Coulson because he was ordinary but badass. Making him extraordinary alienates part of the audience.
The laws of physics do not apply to SHIELD planes, obviously.
Technobabble alert! Technobabble alert!
Hang about, if the clairvoyant can see inside all government and non-government agencies he can certainly see what happened to Coulson. Which they know and he doesn't.
"Every think." (Oh dear.)
"Lock it around the centipede soldier's arm."
Which should have been continued, "While he kills you."
Sack the lot!
As he can't remember dying how can he think back to his 'first memory' afterwards?
Why am I getting 'Crystal Skull' vibes
Blimey, they need a fight choreographer. Urgently.
So nothing is revealed. Nothing is settled. Nothing is resolved. Typical.
None of the Coulson tag makes any scientific sense at all. ("You'd lost your will to live." Big deal.)