Pretty much as I interpreted the last few scenes and the stingers. The only real surprises at that point were the appearance of Baron von Strucker and Loki's sceptre. SHIELD is currently dead in the water, Maria Hill has a long history with the Avengers - at one time leading that group -- and, in particular, with Tony Stark during his time as Director of SHIELD. Iron Man was mentioned earlier as still being operative (causing some speculation that this took place before Iron Man 3, which it is quite clear it does not. Also, the survival of Crossbones led to speculation (mainly, it has to be said, from Sebastian Stan fangirls) that we might be running with the Death of Captain America/Fallen Son storyline and Stan's long term contract might be as Bucky!Cap. However, that innovation was ultimately unsuccessful, and rumour hath it that the Winter Soldier's storyline in this movie was written down, probably because it wasn't really working as the main line of the story.