Inspiration? Where is it? - It went off, searching for the sense in my life.

Dec 15, 2011 20:47

Oh gosh. I'm totally without inspiration at the moment. I mean, I am writing, but it just seems so inadequate... :( And if I think something sounds good, then I'm doubting my english (knowledge of words, grammar and spelling. such things) I HAVE ideas to write and I'm writing them down, the problem is.. I don't know if there is a problem, actually. Just my weird mind that's F***ing everything up. I'm doubting myself too much, again. So I hope you don't mind the waiting ._.

I'm confused. I mean, I'm accepted at a school to be in training for nursery nurse/kindergarten teacher. And that's good, I was, I am really happy about that. Everything's good now, at least, in the profesional part of my life. 
On the other side, there's that: I'm fighting/ not-talking with one of my best friends, again. Truly, I love her, she's one of the closest friends I have. But she's so... so... moody! And, really, I'm patient, very very much. But sometimes that's too much, even for me. I can't stand that at the moment. 
And then, there's the health-thing. I'm absolutely tired. I mean, I CAN sleep (it wasn't that long ago, when I couldn't sleep at all...) but I'm waking up exhausted. And then, every time I eat something, anything, I'm getting sick to my stomach. It's just, I'm totally irritated by that. I'm hungry! But I won't keep anything -.-

There's always a good part and a bad part in life, I guess. There are always up's and down's. But sometimes there are parts that get too much, too heavy. Well, I'll just need to get through it... on my own, again, like always. Anyway. Just needed to write that down.  ._.

uninspired, irritation

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