More Great Quizzes from Quiz Diva... :P

Apr 28, 2003 21:37

Ok… this is the guy for me …. RRRRRRrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Your Guy is Prince Charming!

The man for you is Prince Charming.

You need a sensitive, romantic man who will understand and listen.

You enter into relationships for love and need a committed man who will provide plenty of love and security.

What Guy is Perfect for *You*?

More Great Quizzes from Quiz Diva

Loving that Idea… even if my idea of prince charming is not the same as theirs.

You Attract Boy Toys!

You're a laid back chick, and the most appealing kind of girlfriend.

No surprise that you attract cute party boys and handsome athletes.

Your relationships with these guys are 100% pure fun - and very sexually charged.

The minute things get bad with your boy toy, expect him to go on to the next girl.

If you don't keep him happy with wild parties, drunken debauchery, and a convertible to drive...

Well, chances are he'll find a woman who does.

Enjoy your Boy Toy for who he is - hot sex, good drugs, and a total ego boost.

Don't get emotionally attached, let him chase you...

And always use a condom!

What Kind of Guy Do *You* Attract?

More Great Quizzes from Quiz Diva

Toy boy my arse… hehehe

… LOL… sorry I was under the impression he was prince charming… Too smooth is too slimy. Ewww

You Attract Normal Guys!

Not that "normal" is a bad thing... you just prefer not to get your heart broken.

You've probably dated enough losers in your life, learned from it, and become an ultra cool chick.

And it's this togetherness that attracts the right kind of guy.

Healthy guys aren't afraid of intimacy or commitment.

They'll call you after a first date, but they won't want to move in after one week.

Normal guys can solve their own problems - and will help you solve yours.

To keep things blissful with your normal guy (or to get the right one), it's easy.

Continue to be the super incredible chick that you are, no emotional baggage or issues.

Normal, incredible guys love girls like you.

What Kind of Guy Do *You* Attract?

More Great Quizzes from Quiz Diva

Omg…. Help… I’gon quiz crazy… I need new sites….
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