Title: “Paradise Circus”
Author: Lila
Rating: PG-13
Character/Pairing: Caroline, Klaus
Spoiler: “All My Children”
Length: Part IVa of V
Summary: Klaus takes Caroline on a trip, but he’s the one to see the world.
Disclaimer: Not mine, just borrowing them for a few paragraphs.
…please teach me gently how to breathe... )
Comments 2
Thanks so much! And sorry that this reply is so late. My life has been insane of late.
My favorite part was the way old and new traditions weaved through this section. The ending kind of made me dread reading more -- you just know this happy period isn't going to last, if only because the Mystic Falls gang will probably show up at some point.
This chapter was all about Caroline coming to terms with who and what she is, so I wanted some reflection about what her life used to be and what it is now, and how both have their positives and negatives. And no worries -- I have no intention for any of the gang to show up any time soon.
The naked!Klaus part surprised me, but in a good way. It felt like just enough build up.
Yeah, well, honesty when you're naked! And water is rejuvenating! Glad the cliches in that chapter weren't so awful.
Other good moments: Caroline not knowing how to react to the wine glasses of blood (because really, who would?) and all Klaus' friends. They're a ( ... )
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