Man that kid made fucking up look cool. Aren’t we all so cool now, no.

Feb 10, 2005 01:09

Just woke up from really horrible dream. Have to write it down before I forget it. Damn. Forgot it already while I was writing that ( Read more... )

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Comments 14

bangboomkill February 10 2005, 12:27:22 UTC
oh boy ben, we can become positive influences together, i feel so much better about everything now that i am not negative anymore. we can get through anything, i really love a lot of things and i really love you!


lila_cassette February 11 2005, 19:59:20 UTC
I really love you too! We can make it together.


chelle_03 February 10 2005, 19:03:33 UTC
jen your hott!!!


lila_cassette February 11 2005, 19:59:35 UTC
I wish I could eat anything like you.


hiddenobsession February 10 2005, 20:54:39 UTC
that is my favorite soco line ever


lila_cassette February 11 2005, 19:59:59 UTC
I read it and started laughing.


take_me_out13 February 13 2005, 00:22:24 UTC
jennifer i just thought i would let you know that i dont hate you and never really did, personally i think your really nice, at least thats what you seemed like that one day at lunch. I think that really you are a very nice person and alot of people dont see that but i dont understand why because people are dumb and dont give other people a chance and i want us to have a chance of being some sort of "Friends" you could say. Thats all i have to say and i hope you dont hate me because i dont hate you.


lila_cassette February 13 2005, 06:10:20 UTC
I don't hate you, I am threatened by you.
Let me know when you are free, I would like to go out to coffee and talk.
Just ask Kelly or someone for my cell phone number.


take_me_out13 February 13 2005, 23:34:13 UTC
i would LOVE to go out to coffee and talk. me cell phone number is 248 408 7508 and i will call and get yours from kelly asap.


lila_cassette February 14 2005, 04:54:45 UTC
Is Wednesday good? We can spend the day together.


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