Some Culture Questions

Sep 06, 2008 08:57

For my culture class, I need to compare and contrast two cultures in my area, and I need your help.

I am looking for anyone that is a member from the Hispanic/Latino cultural group, specifically Mexico, and anyone from the Asian Indian cultural group, specifically India, to answer the following questions:

In your country of origin and/or your culture...

What languages are spoken at home and at school?

What role do families play in the education of their children?

How do you view the role of the teacher?

How do you view the role of the men?

How do you view the role of the women?

What are some religion/faith traditions?

What are the attitudes towards work/career?

What is the family organization? Is "family" mom, dad, and children, or is "family" much more extended?

Does your culture value the individual becoming more independent, or does your culture value individuals depending more on each other? Please put an X on the line below showing where your culture values independence/dependence.

More dependent on self--------------------------------------------------------------------------------More dependent on others

Thanks to any and all that can help! Please feel free to point these questions out to anyone else that you might know who are from the aforementioned cultural groups.
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