Oct 02, 2003 22:16
Can anyone recommend a good, free, pop-up blocker? I'm getting a ton from pop-up blocking sites that want me to pay to get them to stop harassing me. And they're coming on my computer when I'm not running IE. Losers.
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Comments 10
Don't have kazaa and haven't dl'ed any games.
It wouldn't suprise me if they came with the freaking computer.
Then, Pop-Up Stopper has a free version here: http://www.panicware.com/product_psfree.html
Good luck!
*grin* Hi. Cruising the friendsfriends and I do tech support, so I can never pass this kinda thing up.
Since you mentioned that the pop-up are coming even when you don't have IE open, it could be windows messenger. Not to be confused when MSN Messenger. It's just a "feature" is Windows turns on by default and if spammers can guess your IP address, you get spam. Oh joy, right? That's pretty sleazy, spamming asking for money to stop spam.
To find out more out it and how to disable it, go here. It's painless. I hope this or the other suggestions helps. :)
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