Christmas is almost here and that means... the title for Book 7!! :)
I'm guessing most of you will want to find it yourself, so do
Go to
Jo's site. Click on the eraser on her desk.
1. Click doorway in mirror to see Christmas tree.
2. Click on the top half of the door to get the wreath.
3. Click on the top of the mirror to get the garland.
4. Click on the spider web right next to the door to make them go away.
5. Click the 4th chime in the window and get the key for the door.
6. Drag key to unlock the door.
7. Door opens to show a desk with a package.
8. Click the bow on the package and it will open.
9. Click the inside of the package and a game of Hangman is shown where you can play a game to guess the name of the seventh book.
10. You can keep playing till you get it right and when you do a check mark will appear.
If you don't feel like doing all that, there's always the pic. :)
I'll have to agree with the rest of the world. It's probably the worst title of the series. Oh well, at least it's a title, deathly or not! :D