There must be some way out of here

Mar 29, 2007 10:28

Rome was beautiful, magnificent, delightful, I have no words. ;) But I do have pictures, and I'm uploading them now. :)

Until then though, let's talk TV shows!

- Bill and Laura are getting cuter and cuter together. I'm sure we won't be seeing them having sex or anything anytime soon, but I can bet Moore and Eick will go forward with this, and that makes me happy. :)
- So Laura needs to be the dying leader after all. Well, at least now she has more cure options than before... ;)
- I'm very curious about the shared dreams that Roslin, Athena and Six are having. And OMG, poor Hera ends up in Baltar's arms, that's just sad. ;)
- I'm happy Baltar was found not guilty. He's guilty of many bad things, MANY, but he didn't willingly sign those papers. But he's still a selfish, coward piece of shit. And I love him. :D
- Lee's speech was... so very Lee. I liked it, he's an idealist and a dreamer. And it's so very easy to break him. Bamber does a great job with this character.
- Heh, Felix lied in court! With a smile on his face too! I love him so very much, just as much as I love Helo. :) The shock on Baltar's face - priceless!! I'm sure he called him "butterfingers" just for the lolz. The slashy lolz. :D
- Sam is beautiful. He looked great even with Tory, and I hate Tory. Poor Seelix, that was one hurt look she gave to Sam...
- Gaius was, once again, in luck. Without his fanclub, he probably would've survived about another... 15 minutes? :) But now he gets to play Jeezus, fun fun fun.
- I wonder what made them lose power, after jumping to the Ionian Nebula. Was it the music or the ones hearing the music? I bet it was Bob Dylan. He's a Cylon too!!
- The Final Four. It wasn't very hard to guess, with the episode's preview and the music and them being the only ones who could hear it. But it was still shocking. Now, I know for sure they're Cylons, Ron Moore said they were. BUT... how did THEY know that's what it all meant? Why were they so sure? Maybe it meant they were just four Very Special humans. Who can hear music from Earth, even without a radio around. What made them think they were Cylons, was it just the music, or it was more than just that? Or maybe they read Ron's interview too.
- Also, I love (LOVE) this show with all my heart, but this seemed to be a last minute solution. From what I understand, they found out for sure that season 4 will be the last one, and probably had to speed things up a little. Or a lot.
- And so they made MY Chief a Cylon... Tory, I understand, she looks a Cylon and I hate her anyway, she took Billy's place and that's just wrong. But Chief? He already questioned his Cylonity before, and we were let to understand there's no way he's a Cylon. The only reason I'm happy he actually is one, is Cally. That stupid Boomer-killer-Jammer-killer-Cylon-hater will have the shock of her life! I can't wait! :D And Nicky is half Cylon too, hahaha. Oh, joy.
- Sam is a Cylon. SAM??? Frak, the entire Resistance is made out of Cylons.
- Saul mohthefrakin' Tigh is a Cylon. That's just too much. They tortured him and took his eye! He's a drunk! He killed his wife because she collaborated with the Cylons! This can't be happening. It just can't. Seeing that Adama knows Tigh since they were young, are we to understand that these Final Five were placed in their families as kids? I wonder if there's only one of each of them...
- Hey, Kara! Look, Starbuck's back! She's so not a Cylon herself. I'm voting for Farm manufactured clone. Yep. "Hi, Lee!" And Kara's back at fraking with Lee's mind, everything's alright with the world again.
- Season 4 will be back in 2008. EIGHT, you know? As in 9 months from now. As enigel put it, a gestation away. Damn.

There's not much I can say about this episode, I liked it but it felt like they were just building up for the grand finale. Just a few things.
- Michael looked all kinds of hot. Eyes, bruises, jeans and hoodie make for one beautiful Mike.
- Sucre better be alright, okay? OK? :D
- Mike fought T-Bag and it was lame and hot at the same time. :) Ouch, that must've hurt.
- PAUL!! NO, PAUL, NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Damn. Paul is my no. 2 character on this show and he can't die. Not like that, not ever. My magnificent bastard.
- Mahone. Just that, Mahone. :)
- Linc is dumb as a post. I love him.
- Bye, Bellick, it was almost nice knowing you.
- I want the best season finale ever. Maybe they're all Cylons. Now, THAT's what I call a cliffhanger! :p

I don't feel like doing another cut, so I'm gonna say it here. On Grey's, it looks like I'm the only one who likes George with Izzy. That linen closet scene? Perfection.

That's it for now, I'll have beautiful Rome pictures for you, later. :)

ga, tv, pb, bsg

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