drama is overdone.
seriously, is it neccessary?
what do all of you get from it?
i am so tired of trying to control it.
theres no way to end it.
because everyone does it.
i dont care if you say you hate drama.
youve added to the problem.
whether you seen that or not.
maybe thats not what you call drama.
but when it involves immature-uneeded-fights-disagreements-aggravation or anything of that sort.
i got news for you, its drama.
i cant stand people putting themselves in my business.
it doesnt involve you.
so do you mind?
i wish people would quit telling me how to live my life.
i have parents for that.
stop telling me who i should be friends with.
i choose them.
i am capable of running my life.
i dont run yours.
dont try to run mine.
work on yours.
its a full time job.
you dont have time for mine.
control freaks make me ill.
selfish people need to leave me alone.
i have enough problems.
i dont wanna hear all about you.
unless i love you.
but if i do love you.
you probably know i would do anything for you.
would you do the same for me?
if you would then please.
just try not to butt into my life.
unless i invite you.