i guess i havent updated in awhile.. just not really in the mood for it.. not that anyone really cares either way.. this journal is just a bunch of boring crap..
i hate it when people i care about are hurting, cuz then it makes me really upset. high school just adds so much stress that no body needs... theres lies, deseats, secrets and all this other crap that just makes people feel like shit.
i just wish that everyone would just mind there own business about stuff that doesnt concern them. i mean, if the person asked for advice or whatever then great, there ya go, but bugging them about the details and then making comments that they kno nothing about and dont understand bug me.. (this isnt to anyone in particular, just a fact of something thats pisses me off).
All the drama thats going on this year is really weighing down on everything.. im usually a happy upbeat person but lately, everything pisses me off, or makes me upset and it all just seems like too much, ya kno? I was fine like after school today when i went to Jims Donuts with Julia and Sam and we were laughing and stuff, but when i got back i felt...off... like something was wrong.. but i cant figure out what it was..
i got home and just went upstairs and cried... for no aparrant reason. i just balled my eyes out. Every thing and everyone seems normal and i understand and then the next its like..BOOM! everyones different...
i kno this entry probably doesnt make any sense whats so ever but o well...
oh and on a cool note before i leave.. this kid i used to talk to all the time like a year ago emailed me so now i can talk to him again.. which is really awesome.. cuz i can talk to him about anything and not feel afraid that hes gonna judge me on what i think which is a nice change... well later people..
soon ill be getting a new journal at deadjournal.com and when i do ill give this journal the link if u want it but if not...