I've not updated in a while so thought I would in case people have wondered what I've been up to, cuts have been made so as not to take up as much space for those who don't want to read.
Christmas and New Year were busy, also on Christmas Day I got attacked by that flu-type bug thing going around, it was really quite nasty but for the parts that I was awake for were really enjoyable, it's a shame I wasn't much company, so sorry guys for that. Boxing Day I headed down to London for a few days and saw some family and friends and popped into work briefly. It's actually quite nice doing short work days, something I could get used to. Anyway, I returned on New Years Eve for much fun at
ladyfayne 's. And then spent the weekend there looking after the kids whilst Chaz and Adam celebrated their wedding anniversary. Thank you Caz for helping me out on the Friday until Stav got there..
After finally returning home for more than a day I have some house guests (Adam's parents). It's not actually as bad as I anticipated, it is quite nice to have some company in the house, but I do feel a bit like I am living with parents again. The Tv is kind of dominated by them, but there hasn't been anything on that I particularly wanted to watch so I let them choose and stuck to checking emails on my laptop etc. I have mounds of food as Maureen over cooked, she forgot I didn't eat beef and made a casserole and then went out to buy more food for me, which I told her not to as I had plenty and came home from eating at Chaz's to find 4 portions of soup and a chicken casserole (I have run out oif room in my freezer for it all and there is left over beef casserole also). As nice as the company has been I haven't completely relaxed though so it will be nice when they go which I think is happening this weekend.
I have been trying to think of some resolutions for this year but all I have thought of are things I want finished around the house, no doubt by next year most of those things will still need completing but I can hope and try to get as much done as possible.
Other than that not much else is going on, up until a couple of weeks ago I was very excitied about the photo shot day that I'm going to with Chaz but I'm now feeling quite down about it. It's the clothes issue, I thought that looking for things in the sales would cheer me up but instead I have found that I don't fit in anything, the 12's are generally too big and most of the 10's don't get over my hips and if they do they are too short and hang at my ankles. As a non dieter I have not really felt these kind of blues about my size before, I have accepted it and bought whatever looked good on me and fitted but the problem is nothing fits so now I put clothes on and spend all day pulling them up and feeling all rubbish about how I look, lets face it bad fitting clothes do not look nice. So in short I am a little worried about how I'm going to look in the photoshoot, yes I know I don't actually have to buy any of the photos so the day will be free but it would be nice to feel that I looked good. Anyway that's enough of my ramblings and if anyone has read this sorry for boring you all, if I updated more often I probably wouldn't have some much rubbish to write, but ho hum.