import canonReview(ACT 3, ACT 4);

May 28, 2011 00:00

ACT 3==>

# {
      Enter name.
      Wake up!
      Retrieve arms from...
      Drop pumpkin on Farmstink.
      Read note.
      Try again.
      Examine room.
      [S] Jade: Play a silly flute refrain.
      Jade: Captchalogue flute.
      Jade: Set modus.
      Jade: Select Memory.
      Jade: Squeal like a piglet and fertilize some plants.
      Jade: Consult colorful reminders.
      Jade: Captchalogue the pumpkin growing next to you.
      Jade: Exit this room.
      Jade: Captchalogue something.
      Jade: Go upstairs to bedroom.
      Jade: Ascend.
      Jade: Explore the other half of your room!
      Jade: Quickly retrieve firearms from wall.
      Jade: Wonder why the design on your shirt changed.
      Jade: Captchalogue nearest Squiddles doll and hug it.
      Jade: Lose interest in fauna and never speak of it again.
      Jade: Pick up your toys!
      Jade: Organize all your dolls.
      Jade: Change wardrobifier setting.
      Jade: Look out window.
      Jade: Retrieve fursuit from magic chest.
      Jade: Open chest.
      Jade: Examine magic 8-ball and magic cue ball.
      Jade: Captchalogue refrigerator.
      Jade: Feed your friend.
      Try again.
      Take another crack at this.
      Ok, one more time.
      Jade: Stick fruits in the refrigerator to keep them fresh.
      Jade: Press the steak button.
      Jade: Lightly irradiate steak.
      Jade: Examine the atomic bass by your bed.
      [S] Jade: Play a hauntingly relaxing bassline.
      Jade: Captchalogue bass.
      Jade: Open lunchtop.
      Jade: Get down to business.
      Jade: Activate Pesterchum.
      Jade: Pester John. {
            [GG]: helloooooo?? // Pester attempt previously shown here.
      Jade: See if Dave left you a sweet new rap.
      ==> {
            [TG] at 2009-04-12 -- 23:14 : youre asleep again arent you
      [S] Jade: Open FreshJamz!
      Jade: Open Echidna and go to {
            [S] MIDNIGHT CREW: ACT 1031
      Jade: Pester Dave. {
            [GG]: so have you talked to john today??? // This pesterlog ensues.
      Jade: Pester Rose. {
            [GG]: you will lose your internet connection soon!!!!!
      Jade: Stop being the other girl and pester John again.
      [S] Jade: Descend.
      Jade: Transportalize as far down as you can go.
      Jade: Proceed.
      Jade: Keep going.
      Jade: Don't stop.
      Jade: Complete your descent.
      Jade: Answer. { [CG]: HI AGAIN, IDIOT. }
      Jade: Scamper into grand foyer with wild abandon.
      Jade: Arm yourself.
      Jade: Examine those chaps on the sofa.
      Jade: Leap dramatically across the divide.
      Jade: Abscond.

#Jade: Locate and feed the devilbeast you call a pet. {
      Jade: Retrieve the package you expected to arrive.

#[S] Jade: Retrieve package. {

#Jade: Dream. {
      Jade: Dream.
      Jade: Obliquely foreshadow future through interpretive dance
      Jade: Quick! Get into bed!
      Jade: Realize you can fly!
      Jade: Open the Package.
      Months in the past... {
            ==> {
                  [GT]: hey, happy birthday jade!
      [S] Jade: Dream up extra arms and play advanced bass solo.
      Jade: Change wardrobifier to cycle thru STAR HEART HORSESHOE
      Jade: Go explore the golden city.
      Jade: Go and make a new friend.
      WV: Eat letter and envelope.(); // Letter and present from Jade.
      Jade: Gracefully fly to the other golden tower.
      Jade: Inspect neighbor's tower.

# {
      [S] Jade: Pester John. {
            [GG]: john did you get my package?? // This pesterlog ensues.
            [GG]: i went to investigate the explosion i heard // This, too.
      ==> {
            [GG]: how is your adventure going john? // This pesterlog ensues.

# {
      Jade: Update colorful reminders.
      Jade: Grab your harpoon gun.
      Jade: Use harpoon to zip-line into the great outdoors.
      Jade: Place present on monument.
      WV: Eat letter and envelope. {
            WV: Look behind you!
            WV: Read letter.
            WV: Give present! Hooray!!!
            PM: Read the letter.
            PM: Read the next step of the letter.
      Years in the past... {
            ==> { // Jade gets a birthday present from future John.
                  dear jade, // Included is also a letter.
      Jade: Play guitar to summon giant lily pads.
      [S] Enter


ACT 4==>

#In the mystic ruins of an era pre-desecration... {
      Jade: Take the discs.
      Jade: Switch to Jenga modus.
      Jade: Switch to Pictionary modus.
      Jade: Try out new Pictionary modus.
      Jade: Draw Lunchtop.
      Jade: Captchalogue the beta.
      Jade: Quick! Random scribbling!
      Jade: Draw pumpkin.
      Jade: Get the rest of your items.
      Jade: Captchalogue bass on card with Dutton ghost image.
      Jade: Install Beta.
      Jade: Pester chums.
      John: Pester Rose. { [GG]: oh and also get your package!!!!!! :) }
      Dave: Pester Rose. { [GG]: so now it is my turn to be the star! }
      Jade: Deploy alchemiter.
      Jade: Deploy cruxtruder in Dave's room. {
      [GG]: these darn birds are in the way! }
      Jade: Move Dave's bed to the roof.
      Jade: Deploy cruxtruder in its place.
      Jade: Replace television with totem lathe.
      Jade: Organize Dave's puppets.
      Jade: Tidy up Strider's apartment a little.
      ==> { [GG]: oh fuck!!!!!! }
      Jade: Drop the toilet in Dave's room.
      ==> { [TG]: this is the worst shitting thing ive ever seen }
      ==> { [GG]: stop being a huge baby and go peeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!! }
      Dave: Kick that puppet out of the shower. {
      [GG]: i am going to help the poor bird }
      Jade: Retrieve Dave's copy of Sburb and the impaled crow.
      Jade: Put something weird in the seizure kernel.
      ==> { [TG]: we need to wake you up }
      Jade: Wake up. { [TG]: just kind of swat the air to your left }
      Jade: Give Dave punch card of an eggy loking thign [sic].
      Dave: Pester Jade. {
      [TG]: i was worried we were on the verge of getting some shit done }
      ==> {
      [TG]: the egg is now in a nest made of shitty swords and soft puppet ass }
      Jade: Deploy Punch Designix.
      Jade: Check unknown objects. {
      [GG]: i cant buy the holopad thingy and the intellibeam laserstation }
      Jade: Deploy green and white compact disc. {
      [TG]: what should i do with these beta copies }
      Jade: Deploy circuit board looking thingy.
      Jade: Attempt to deploy catchalogue disk drive.
      Meanwhile, the past pulls a mean double reacharound... {
            return hey, happy birthday jade!;
            ==> // Jade receives a package from her pen-pal.
      Jade: Draw the punch designix.
      Jade: Send the code to Dave. { [GG]: dave here punch this code! }
      Dave: Punch code and put it in the jumper shunty thing. {
      [TG]: so i guess this is just a built in designix }
      Jade: Draw the holopad.
      Dave: Upgrade alchemiter with holopad.
      Jade: Draw the totem lathe.
      Jade: Draw the jumper block.
      Dave: Upgrade.
      Jade: Draw the intellibeam laserstation.
      Dave: Captchalogue enlarger.
      Dave: Upgrade.
      Jade: Draw air conditioner on roof.
      Dave: Make air conditioner unit.
      Rose: Pester Jade. {
            [TT]: Ok. How do I wake up?
            do thisPesterlog();
      ==> {
            [TT]: He's not answering.
            [GG]: he made me promise not to bug him while im asleep!
            do thisPesterlog();

#AH: Recap first year of Homestuck.;

#Jade: Build. {

#create Paradox() {
      ==> // John creates ectobiological paradox-slime babies.
      char Hass "The Flame" Harley = Jade's Grandpa {
            AR?: Examine equipment.
            AR?: Fast forward.
      [S] John: Reunite with your loving wife and daughter.
      END OF ACT 4
      ==> // PSYCHE.

#Jade: Get trolled by [AT] {

# {
      [S] Descend.


# {
      /* Hours in the future... the recent past is recalled... */

/* Hours in the future... the recent past is recalled... */
      John! // Letter from Jade's pen-pal.
      dear john, // Letter from Jade.

/* Hours in the future... the recent past is recalled... */

/* Hours in the future... and then years... */

#Recap 2();

ooc: canon review

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