Boom, Blast, Colors!

Jun 28, 2007 17:38

Tomorrow I leave for Newport, RI for a week.  Geez it seems like this time last year when all of us were online talking before the CP waiting eagerly for it to arrive. Amazing how fast time goes by. And sad too. I miss last year with a passion. I miss late night web cam chats with Lindsay.  I miss pictionary with big arrows.  I miss pre CP living. ( Read more... )

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Comments 3

sweetelindor June 29 2007, 02:33:40 UTC
Oh my god Pictionary!!


linzerino June 29 2007, 02:55:19 UTC
You want big arrows, I'll give you big arrows.

I just don't understand how you're packing, but not packing for a CP or Disney trip? Huh?

Mr. Merchandise, you're fun.


disneyamy July 3 2007, 15:08:39 UTC
Hey, this is prolly going to sound really random/strange but I was instructed by Lindsay to add you as I'm doing the summer ICP at the moment and I'm working in World Of Disney which is apparently that's where you worked too?? Anyway, not really sure what else to say but hope adding you is alright... and if it is... please tell me it's not quite is impossible to get to know that store as it seems!!

Amy xxx


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