Stalkers are twats. A cautionary tale from lilerinkitty.
hmwsunshine02 is stalking lilerinkitty
hmwsunshine02’s REAL name :
Hadden Folds
hmwsunshine02’s REAL DOB :
18th April 1974
Height :190 cm
Weight : 79.4 kg
hmwsunshine02 has dreamt about you :
11 times
hmwsunshine02 became interested in you :
03rd May 2004
hmwsunshine02’s latest dream about you
After a brief rendezvous in a unisex spa, the two lovers decide to make kittens behind an unattended reception desk. 5 minutes into the experience David Hasselhoff mysteriously appears at the desk with his hand resting casually on the side of his cheek trying to surpress the grin that by-now has engulfed his face. He steals a glimpse of your genetalia before disappearing as quickly as he came.
This is how hmwsunshine02 describes your relationship behind your back
‘Things are going great! it still won’t kiss me though in public. it will once I stop calling her in the middle of the night.’
hmwsunshine02’s been stealing stuff from your house too.
hmwsunshine02 wouldn’t admit to it, but they were responsible for the sudden disappearence of lilerinkitty’s wristwatch
They’ve even started modifying their body for you
hmwsunshine02 now has a full-colour image of you tattooed on their back.
They sent the following message to you in a Valentines
I think I love you. Actually I know I love you. The ouijaboard said it was true. It told me to tell you that if you do not reciprocate my love you’ll get an arrow in the head.
The Police
No. calls to the police :
10 times
Your Last Call to The Police
"Hi, police? Yeah, I’d like to report a crime. Some mad fuckers just shovelled shit into our mailbox. I think it’s this person I know from the internet called hmwsunshine02. Yeah, real mad son of a bitch. Can’t seem to understand that I just don’t like ‘em."
hmwsunshine02’s Police File
If I was an old lady in this city I would be shitting myself in the knowledge that hmwsunshine02 is roaming the streets.
Testimonies about hmwsunshine02
larsipoo - Geek isn’t the word
‘Neurotic, depressing and royally fucked up are only three of the possible phrases I could use to describe both hmwsunshine02 and lilerinkitty. Chances are lilerinkitty’s just made all of this shit up again.’
hani1 - Fathers goats
‘Uncool and unhip hmwsunshine02 is just plain shit!’
devine_evil - Eats everything.
‘Jesus fuck! You’ve got to be joking?!??! hmwsunshine02? A pervert? It’s quite funny now I think about it. What an idiot!’