Here's day seven, which has been sitting on my laptop unposted. I have some more to post and then ack, Languary will slide into Langufeb.
I'm making use of sentences found at [Graded Sentences for Analysis](
First some pronouns:
* First Person
* Singular (I) - lau
* Plural Inclusive (We: You and I) - wai
* Plural Exclusive (He/She/They and I but not you) - (undecided)
* Second Person
* Singular (You) - se
* Plural (You, more than one person) - wei
* Third Person
* Singular (He/She/It) - (undecided)
* Plural (They/Them) - (undecided)
As you can see, pronouns show person, inclusivity on 1st person plural, singularity/plurality but not gender.
Let's review the grammar decisions already made:
* Trends towards isolating & analytical
* No tones
* The word order is VSO (Verb, Subject, Object)
* Head-first phrases (phrases go: head, then modifiers)
* There are some markings on nouns:
* The "O" at the beginning of Osita's name? On names it marks a person as being essentially an apprentice adult male. Not yet considered an adult but no longer a child.
* Will have to explore other diminutives/augmentatives/honorifics
* Nouns are not inflected for case or plurality
Some sample sentences from the above link (numbers refers to the position in the list):
**Sentence 1**
"Birds sing."
This could be translated a few ways...
"Birds sing."
*twai sulte*
sing bird
Bird(s) sing
"Birds sing."
*twai to sulte*
sing HAB bird
Bird(s) habitually sing --> Bird(s) sing.
**Sentence 2**
"Children play."
ai-ai to ñai
play HAB child/children
"Children play"
tseñ to ñai
play HAB child/children
**Sentence 3**
"Dogs bark."
xai to pwou
shout HAB dogs
Dog(s) bark. (Barking is something dogs do)
"Dogs bark"
xai pwou
shout dogs
Dog(s) bark. (an incident of dogs barking)
**Sentence 4**
"Bees hum"
pwu-pwu to tsew(ʌi)
buzz HAB insect-sweet
The sweet bug buzzes
*HAB: The habitual aspect particle, applies the habitual aspect to the preceding verb/verb phrase.
*Still need to pick a way to transcribe the diphthong "ʌi"
The first simply states that one or more birds happen to be singing. The second says that you can expect to hear birds singing, it's something they regularly do. The second does not necessarily say that the bird(s) are singing at this very moment but does imply that this is quite likely.
* twai - verb, sing
* sulte - noun, bird, specifically small birds that are not seen as predators or a good supply of meat.
* As opposed to:
* kyai - noun, raptors, owls, and other hunting birds (popular folksonomy among OL speakers is that the name comes from the piercing cries of these birds)
* zhuñ - noun, a largish, bird mostly keeping to the ground that is a popular food source.
* ai-ai - onomonopea for the sounds of children playing
* tseñ - verb, playing games (playful physical activity, races, play wrestling, singing/chanting games, etc. Board games and 'thinking' games such as riddles/puzzles or rhyming games would be covered by the verb *zhou* "to play thinking/strategy/puzzle games")
* ñai - noun, child/children
* xai - shout, shouting
* pwou - dog(s), canine(s)
* pwu-pwu - a buzzing or humming sound
* w(ʌi) - a sweet flavor (flavor only, no implication of love or affection)
* tse - small insects, especially biting or stinging insects
* tsew(ʌi) - sweet flavored insect, or rather the insect that provides a sweet flavor to those risking its sting (honey bees)
* to - [habitual aspect](
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Habitual_aspect) marker. When "to" follows a verb it says that the subject does the verb habitially. Implies regular past verbing and that it will continue in the future.
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