It was 50, but I put two seperate sets of q&a together....somebody else fill these out so I don't feel like I'm the only dork in the world!
1. How old are you?: 20 in exactly 10 days!!
2. What would you do with 20 dollars right now?: Go to lunch with Leia, cuz we haven't been talking enuff lately.
3. What would you do with 20,000 dollars right now?: Get an awesome house for me n Leia to live in, and buy a car.
4. What's your favorite drink?: H20 and Timmy's Ice Caps
5. What did you do last summer?: drank, smoked weed and all that other stuff that kids do.
6. Where's the weirdest place you've ever slept?: on the bus, you know, where you're so tired that you can't help nodding off and then you jerk awake and feel sick.
7. Do you have freckles?: yep, and I'd never wear coverup
8. What's on your grocery list?: munchies, anything to keep me going
9. How much money do you have?: dunno, haven't checked my account in awhile. more then $50
10. How do you get your money?: working my a$$ off
11. How do you travel?: good ole city bus and bumming a ride
12. Who is someone you don't like but think is good looking?: Damion, damn his hot Newfie soul
13. Where was the last place you went out to eat?: Tony Roma's
14. Do you have a job?: yep
15. What are you good at?: saying dumb things
16. What makes you laugh?: assorted stupidity
17. A lyric of the song your listening to?: "On the streets where the little girls talk about their social lives,
They're made of lipstick, plastic and paint
With a touch of sable in their eyes." Describes some girls down to a tee.
18. How many pairs of shoes do you own?: 4...not enough
19. What would you do with your last five minutes of life?: hold onto the people I love
20. What are you interested in?: life and everything it has to offer
21. Tea or Coffee?: depends
22. Where are you from?: Alberta
23. Name a couple things that are around you: the balcony door, a bed, a plate that held sour skittles just a second ago, plants
24. Sweden or Norway?: Sweden, I like their men
25. Last thing you bought?: an icecream cone
26. Do you play video games?: nope
27. What's your middle name?: -- edit -- If you don't know, you don't need to.
28. Are you left handed or right?: Ambi
29. Is pornography gross or entertaining?: gross and pointless, but sometimes funny as hell
30. Color or Colour?: who cares? as long as you can see it, why worry about how the hell it's spelled??
31. Who's your favorite comedian?: Jackie Chan
32. Do you have any bruises right now?: too many
33. What from?: people & things
34. What was the last thing you said?: wtf?
35. How many AIM/MSN/Yahoo buddys do you have?: wait, kindergarten exercise, lemme count...65. How many do I actually talk to? about half.
36. What are your buddy groups?: Boys, Family, Friends & Old Friends
37. What's the weather like outside right now?: thunder and lightning...yay!!
38. What do(es) your best friend(s) look like?: me?
39. Describe someone you hate: more ugly inside then outside
40. Are you afraid of needles?: no
41. Are you afraid of rollercosters?: no, but I tense up so bad on them I get whiplash
42. Can you swim?: NO:(
43. Can you boom box?: huh?
44. What do you do when your bored?: what does it look like?
45. Post a picture of yourself?: millions of em, if the camera didn't hate me so much
46. Do you lick stamps?: duh
47. Do you tan or burn?: burn
48. Is your room clean?: haha, no
49. Markers or crayons?: I stopped caring in first grade
50. --------------- blank air time -------------------------
51. What time do you get up? depends
52. If you could eat lunch with one person, who would it be? Louis L'Amour, if he wasn't dead...that guy was an awesome visualist writer
53. Gold or silver? Both
54. What was the last film you saw at the cinema? Troy
55. What is your favorite TV show? I have a bunch, but I barely watch TV, so I can't think of any off the top of my head other than Third Watch
56. What do you have for breakfast? sour skittles, goldfish crackers, anything unhealthy and unnutritous and yummy
57. Who would you hate to be stuck in a room with? my head manager at work
58. What/who inspires you? my neice and nephews, hope, dreams, music
59. Beach, City or Country? in the country with my own beach and be able to go to the city whenever I chose
60. Favorite ice cream? Simple good ole-fashioned DQ vanilla
61. Butter, plain or salted popcorn? Butter & salted
62. What kind of car do you drive? one day? 1967 Shelby Mustang GT 500
63. Favorite sandwich? homemade grilled cheese and ham
64. What characteristic do you despise? lazyness
65. Favorite color? blue, cuz there are so many differant shades, and you can find it in so many things in nature
66. If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation, where would you go? All around the world, and stay wherever I liked it best
67 . What color is (are) your bathroom(s)? plain old white. Someday my bathroom is gonna be ivory with green ivy etched into the walls
68. Favorite brand of clothing? whatever is comfy and looks good. I despise wearing something just because it's sporting a brandname like Puma or Diesel.
69. Where would you retire to? the seaside
70. Favorite day of the week? any?
71. What did you do for your last birthday? got drunk? last birthdays have sucked, so I wanna make this one a good one
72. Where were you born? dunno the name of the town...*lol*
73. Favorite sport to watch? I don't like watching, I wanna be out there and involved...I like boxing & equine
74. Who do you least expect to fill this out after you? everyone? lol
75. What fabric detergent do you use? how retarded are we getting now?
76. Coke or Pepsi? Pepsi
77. Are you a morning person or a night owl? both, but never on the same day
78. What is your shoe size? if you wanna know this, you have to get to know me better, so mleh *sticks tongue out*
79. Do you have any pets? I wish...I miss my lil border collie, Eva Dee:(
80. What is Your Dream??? I have alot of them. To live an awesome life and to die happy. There ya go.
81. Now what are you going to do?: go to bed