I have tomorrow off too, and I'm already bored. Plus, it's payday. Any suggestions??
I found a list of things I'm thankful for and that I miss in my binder, so I typed it out. It's pretty long, but it's worth it..
This list will be ongoing. I don't even need a dollar for every one of these in order to be rich, because I'm already rich just to have them. When I'm depressed, frustrated or impatient, I'll read through these and add to them. Sometimes I lose sight of how much I really have, how blessed I am. Money can never compare - these are worth so much more.
What I'm thankful for...and what I miss.
* chickadees singing in the trees, the call of a robin, the whole unified voice of nature
* the sunshine reflecting off of poplar leaves
* the chirp of a stream and the roar of a waterfall
* the way you can heaer a rainstorm approaching, by the rushing of the wind in the trees and the smell of rain in the air
* the way the earth smells after a rainfall has relieved the thirst of drought
* the sight of dandelions, with their bright sunshine faces
* the smell of newly-mown grass
* the peeping of little yellow balls of soft feathers and flying legs
* the leather smell of a baseball mitt and the feel of a ball cracking against your bat
* the anticipaction of new baby animals, and later, playing with them and going hysterical at their hyper antics
* long, quiet summer evenings with a window open to the cooling wind and a book turned to the slow-fading light
* glorius sunrises and fiery sunsets
* homegrown corn on the cob drowned in golden butter
* homemade cheese buscuits and pizzas, mom's own special recipes
* picking strawberries in the rain, singing Mustang Heart at the top of our lungs
* wandering for hours with my dog
* the symphony of the cranes whooping in the gully, the drum beats of a woodpecker on a dead tree
* exploring and finding hidden nooks as the family sheperdess
* the steady beat of the rain on the roof while you are safe inside, warm and happily tired after a day's work
* stolen moments in the peace and isolation of the river valley
* sitting on the rocks by the river, lost in dreams with my mind thousands of miles and years away, and the sun warm on my skin
* feeling warm sand or newly grown grass, wet with dew, on my toes
* falling asleep on the lawn in the sunshine, feeling as though nothing in the world can affect this moment
* long talks in the snow with my best friend
* home-made cigarettes we called 'birch bark flamers'
* long bike rides on gravel roads, singing my heart out
* exploring old abandoned homesteads and houses and making up stories for the people who once called them home
* losing myself in the beat of music, dancing "as though no-one is watching"
* falling asleep to the radio, turned as low as it would go so my parents wouldn't hear it
* the sight and promise of melting snow
* the warmth and restlessness and whispers of exotic places that blow in on a chinook wind
* catching a snowflake on my tongue
* going toboganning with the kids
* running through the mist that softens and blurs the hayfields some mornings
* a clear, depthless turquoise sky
* sun-dappled shade where you can hide from the full brunt of the heat
* raspberry yogurt in a waffle cone
* swimming in cool water on a hot summer day
* big, fluffy white clouds that hold fairy-tale images: princesses, dragons, castles
* the northern lights dancing and arcing across the sky
* the sight of a big moose standing in the swamp, framed against the moonlight
* starlit nights far from streetlights, the sky so infinate that you can get lost in it for hours as you try to count the beats of light
* fresh air carrying the scents of swamp and mint
* wild-grown mint tea with a touch of lemon and a dollop of honey
* the best kind of iced tea: cool water after you've bitten a wild mint leaf
* wishing on falling stars
* singing softly to my little sisters as they fell asleep
* splashing in puddles in oversized rubber boots that don't even go high enough to keep the water out
* the echoing cry of a loon on the lake in the evening
* the sight of huge schools of perch gliding through the cool water
* the nibble, and then the jerk as a fish hits your bait and the tug on your line
* an evening at the lake, fishing pole in hand and heart at peace, feeling the serenity envelope you as the sun sinks into the water
* the cry of wolves, knowing by the tracks they leave that they have pups
* the singing of a toad beside a pathway
* the sight of a soaring eagle, because it represents a sacred wildness and freedom
* the bright, happy faces of pansies
* the sight of newly-sprouting vegetables in the dark soil of a spring garden
* the sharp scent of hay drying in the fields
* the perfect choreography of an aristocratic Arabian horse, apparent even in the gangly legs and huge eyes of a newborn
* the smell of a pine forest, especially the orange pines, and of pine sap burning
* smiles shared
* hugs from true friends, physical and verbal
* laughing at the silliest of things, just for the fun of it
* catching my squealing, laughing baby nephew in my arms as he runs toward me on fat little legs
* the love I feel for my sisters and brother, and for my neice and nephews
* the feeling of honest exhaustion after a long day's physical labor
* meeting a friend for lunch, going to a movie, or just kicking back to share our lives
* flirting with a cute guy
* opening presents beside the tree on Christmas morning
* watching the light in the eyes of the people I love when they open the gifts I gave them
* soft pillows, a secure place to live, and a warm bed
* hopes and dreams, and room for them to grow
* the edgy sweet taste of birch bark syrup
* the beauty of a young birch forest, with its bright white bark and vibrant green leaves
* how beautiful and alive the forest looked after we groomed it that summer, how the birds and wild animals had come back to it again
* searching for interesting rocks on a driveway, or in the gravel pits at home
* castles and footprints in the sand
* children, and their innocence and inner beauty. To be part of a child's life is a huge honor to me, and humblings beyond words. I've been an integral part of the lives of eight amazing children. I'd say I'm pretty damn blessed
* a good-paying, steady, not-overly-hard job with people I generally like and get along with. The independance and purpose my job brings me
* my youth. My whole life is ahead of me
* the freedom of summer, the warmth and laziness and life. To run around in a t-shirt and shorts
* to have someone as fun and level-headed as Janine as a manager, instead of a bitchy boss
* to be able to walk on my own legs, and breathe with my own lungs...I'm thankful that I don't have to depend on any machines to survive
* a full belly, and a full fridge
* winning the trust of a child or a baby animal
* the golden hue of a farm-girl's tan. I deserve it after the burn that precedes it!
* the cool relief of zincofax on my sunburned nose (that one's old, I swear!)
* pretty clothes, and the body to wear them
* eggnog made from our own milk and eggs, and lemonade with ice-cubes bobbing at the surface
* the tangy bite of raw rhubarb with salt on top
* sitting outside on crates with J during my break and talking, how calm and quiet the world felt at that moment
* the buzz of a beehive, and the busy industry of their world
* catching the swarm of wild honeybees that summer, and the rich smell of honey
* the bravery, intelligence and comradeship of my little border-collie, right from when she was a fat, fierce little puppy
* freedom of speech and freedom of will. The right to choose - my job, my life, my path, my husband, my clothes
* my sister ring, and feeling it hug my finger the way I embrace my loved ones
* stolen moments...Stolen moments
Are all we have
To get us through this lifetime
All the good and bad
...You will learn the treasure of this day
Stolen moments
Before they steal away
* a cute, spazzy, stubborn little cat named Princess who always offered me companionship hen I was sad or sick
* finding a bird nest after a long search and examining the tiny eggs or the tiny babies
* the miniature perfection of a baby's nose, and fingers and toes
* honestly-made money, and the freedom to spend it and save it as I want
* my basic needs are met and right now, that is thanks in HUGE part to my sister Tam
* my indepedance and my ability to feel complete and valid on my own
* always having a place to stay. I am truly blessed to have never been on the streets when I came so close to it so many times, and to now have a chance to save up for my own place while being in a safe, supportive environment
* advice I can truly learn from
* the promise of finding true love in the future
* being able to make my own choices and live my own life, to be free to make my own mistakes and learn from them
* days off, doing only what I want to, even if it's just sleeping
* sleeping in
* my health
* long, leisurely baths that feel so gourmet, and invigorating showers to start my day with. Simply for warm water and the fact that I can feel so clean and refreshed whenever I want to.
* centuries-old jackpines standing sentinel at the path's fork. Imagining the stories they would tell if they could
* the miracle of life - how an egg becomes an intricately formed child, and how a seed grows into a huge, ancient tree
* roots to hold me, and wings to fly
* my education, and the chance to finish it
* clean, clear drinking water. Water from home, and how good it tastes
* places that remain wild
* the oppurtunities and ability to learn. Life is...a dance you learn as you go, sometimes you lead, sometimes you follow...
* all the oppurtunities I have to make positive contributions: give blood, be a role-model, give a smile or a hug when it's needed, be an adoptive mom in the future
* laughter, and special friends to share it with
* 'comfy clothes' I can kick back in
* light, in so many forms: sunshine, electricity, candelight...and also for the dark, and for rest
* for walks in the falling snow, making the first prints in the fresh layer of white. Feeling like you are the only one awake in a sleeping world, like it is holding its breath, listening. It's like the world, at that moment, is yours and yours alone
* laughing lines - I'm still working on them, but they're coming along ok
* the support and compassion of the professionals who have helped us through the trial
* attraction between a man and a woman. The feeling of floating above any worldly concerns, just because he likes me. Getting to spend time with him and get to know him
* the ability to read, and the enjoyment of it. To have worlds open up before me and to meet new poeple just by reading a book, while never leaving my living-room
* to have the entire world available to me, yet also have my escapes where I can get away when things get overwhelming
* to have a warm winter coat, and sturdy footwear
* fairy dust shimmering in the path on an early-winter morning
* the crisp bite of an autumn wind, the soft sigh of a summer's breeze
* the growl of Eleanor's engine and her symmetry and beauty
* igloos, snowmen, snowforts, snowball fights and skiing. The special, hushed feeling that comes with the very first snowfall of a new winter
* the buzz of a dragonfly's wings or a hummingbird's flight
* for color. The ability to see, to hear, to speak. To smell
* for two hands and a heartbeat, for a will and a way. Simple concepts, but undeniably true
* strong arms around me at night and when I feel like shit
* spring rain that feels like a sigh, as though winter has given up for awhile and released the land so that the first spears of new grass can appear
And finally, some
Words For Life from a friend's journal. So true!!