DO IT!!! If you read this, even if we do not speak often, comment with one memory of me. It can be anything you want, good or bad. Just as long as it happened. Then post this on your livejournal to see what other people remember about you.
liz keri mary mom dad-the real ones-mom and dad the drama ones- smith upon occasion-drama chorus JESUS bible study music friends parties late night talks with my girls laughter third block study block singing mrs sarosdy you owe me an iou the bible clothes shows actually getting cast ok im out i love all of you nite
dis be my schedule! lemme know if you have a class with me. o and if someone wants to take me to school pnly on either a days or b days ill pay 5 $ A WEEK AND LOVE YOU FOREVER! sweet so here it is! 1A-TOPICS -EVANS 2A-TRIG-DOWNING 3A-PHYSICS- SANAUGISTIN 4A-TOPICS IN TECH 1B-AP ENGLISH-SAROSDY 2B-MADS-ELLERBEE 3B-HISTORY-POWERS 4B-ART -DOROZ
people's reactions to other people may be the most interesting and profoundly moving thing i have ever witnessed. i enjoy it. i love how a person's love for a person is so plain to see, and the next minute another person can cause contempt, hidden, but there. i just find it interesting-if any of this makes any sense.
1-falling and hitting your head= PAIN!!! 2-32 children + lots of paint=LOTS OF CLEAN UP 3-people let you down even if unintentionally and it sucks 4-my body like to retaliate, for what i am not quite sure, but it sucks 5- i love my family!!!!!
LLLOOOOVVVEEEEE<3<3<3<3<3- those don't even look like hearts-hahahaha