Because I talked Syr into doing this with me... (we'll split the themes for some dark post-Chosen ficlets)
Subject: Buffy the Vampire Slayer // General Series
lilhobbit &
charming_syrai For
50_darkfics Basically we're doing a joint project that takes place in an AU-ish BtVS verse and writing it through two series: mine is Turning Blue, hers is Envenom. In our reality the Council has been divided into different sects with different goals and also divided Buffy and her friends on different sides. Then something happens around Angels "Not Fade Away" - a punishment. Vampires suddenly gain the ability to walk in daylight, become immune to crosses, some gain telepathic abilities, others no longer show their distorted demon faces. The big battle approaches.
Turning Blue is the story of Roxanne Bishop and tells of her phases with her Watcher Raine Duryea, his brother Marshall Duryea, Rupert Giles, Caleb, the First, Antonio de Peyrac and many more. Roxanne is a berserker, a less humane kind of Slyaer with more brutal instincts. She needs to grow up through tragedy and happiness. But nothing is certain in a world gone mad.
Envenom concentrates on a vampire alliance called the Grey Triad. Its leaders and followers are trying to reshape the world, preserving some of it and enslaving the other side. On the centre of the events is a young Slayer turned vampire, Rhian, and her attachment to one of the leaders of the Triad, Teagan, her sire.
(s) Progress: 10/50
(f) Progress: 11/50
001. Ravished.
002. Dark Path.
003. Rule/Ruler.
Lost Haven. 006. Claws.
007. Awakening.
Animal.009. Branded.
Torture. 011.
Weapon.012. Bound.
013. Nails.
Coffin015. Angry.
016. Evil.
017. Fear.
018. Conquer.
019. Slave.
020. Master.
021. Brutal .
022. Leash.
023. Unholy.
024. Power.
025. Destiny.
026. Ancient.
027. Narcissus .
028. Innocence.
029. Guilt.
030. Chains.
031. Flame.
Past.033. Present.
Oath. 036. Never.
037. Forever.
Outcast.039. Eternal.
040. Dance.
Fixation.042. Dirty.
Candle.044. Hunger.
045. Lust.
046. Wicked.
047. Stake.
048. Leather.
049. Razor.
050. Eruption .
Yes.052. Forced.
053. Light.
054. Gleam.
055. No.
056. Madness.
057. Please.
058. Mask.
059. Destruction.
060. Poisonous.
Feral.062. Shadow.
Ghost.065. Match.
066. Midnight.
067. Mighty.
068. Coven.
069. Forsaken.
Unbound. 071. Pain.
072. Sorrow.
073. Cry/Tears.
074. Darkness.
075. Non-con.
076. Anonymous.
077. Unforgiving.
Different.079. Rain.
Restraints. 081. Clamps.
082. Metal.
083. Love.
084. Hate.
085. Indifference.
086. Bite.
Phoenix.088. Rope.
089. Ball.
090. Tight.
091. Hot.
092. Wax.
093. Voice.
094. Lick.
095. Need.
096. Writer's Choice.
097. Writer's Choice.
098. Writer's Choice.
099. Writer's Choice.
Writer's Choice. Claims:
lilhobbit: [22] torture, writer's choice, animal, forsaken, nails, indifference, feral, fixation, restraints, different, unbound, ghost, mask, please, past, eruption, madness, lust, unforgiving, midnight, lost haven, dark path, rope, bite, poisonous, tight + two author's choices
charming_syrai: [23] weapon, branded, love, masterpiece, coffin, rain, broken, blood, no, outcast, angry, oath, anonymous, phoenix, forced, metal, stake, yes, candle, leash, dance + two author's choices