Just finished watching Exodus part 2 (BGS 2003) and whoa, it was emotional crack.
I'd really grown to like Ellen during the third season and Saul too. Never imagined it'd feel way this early in the season. It's like a season finale had just rolled with its evil plot twists.
Feel sorry for Gaius and the end of Gaeta's fangirling. I wish someone would blow Lee out of the airlock though. Seriously, they give him that pretty ship and he goes and fraks it up? Do not give the boy grown toys, he breaks them (first Billy/Dee and now this)!
The thing that really got me heartbroken was the Leoben/Kara. I didn't think I'd be this affected. I mean, I knew what was gonna happen, its how I get through tough situations but still... I'm left whimpering just as bad as Syrai during "Scar" (and it had just flashbacks of Anders). I think it's fair Kara's heart is broken, because mine is too, and Leoben's probably the most. I'm so making the mood theme even if I need to kick and cry to get it done. This ship is like the reason for BSG to exist for me (it used to be Gaius/Six).
Oh and sidenote, I now know why I fell head over heels in love with Leoben in the first place. Callum Keith Rennie has something about his looks that remind me of Michael Biehn. There are these moments that I feel really familiar with him, his voice and all that. In occasional shots they're very alike.
Congrats Syr, I'm officially beyond hooked. You must be very proud of yourself. If I could get moviemaker to work with me, I'd be making music videos by now... actually, I think I could on dad's lap top. No, go away, that's a bad place to be in. It'll only lead to the dark side! With Disturbed's "Striken" behind. Or Deftones' cover for "If only tonight we can sleep"
See what you did to me you bitch!!!
5 moods left of AG moodie to be done. Man, I'm exhausted. Leoben/Kara shall follow.