So, I changed the layout - again. The one before was pretty, but simply too white. Plus making one myself (aka making header and fiddling with colors) is always nifty distraction from reality... which is that I'm freaking out every 5 seconds. -_
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Comments 15
zomg! what if you have to.. you know, use the toilet? Thats gotta be uncomfortable. But! It shall scare them off. XD I'm gross. :(
Sigh. Now you've added to the list of my mental breakdown factors. Only you can do it. Feel special. XD
Don't worry, you and your roomies should settle into a kind of rhythm soon. Just be politely/kindly honest when someone bugs you with something and ask them to do the same with you, but wait to see if it was a one time incident or a pattern. No point in causing waves over something that never would have happened again.
AND WHAT THE BUGGERING HELL? Your tv is broken too? We need to stop doing this... >.>
Just had the guy come to remove our Green Colour Tube today. They'll be sending it out to a place that refurbishes them. But your tv being broken at the same time is really odd.
LOL I'm gonna go to the market now.
We do seem to have a weird cycle though. I move, you move. TV's not working. Hmm... I wonder what's next? ;)
And I'm not really convincing with that stuff. I settle for very little and the doors ARE closed. Hell I have to go through three doors to even get to the appartment. Plus we have locks in our own rooms. Nah, these are nice girls. I'm just skittish.
(Battery rehab will do that to a poor student. *nods*)
Your story did however make me laugh. And give me hope. Things are very shiny over here when compared to your experiences. ^^
They seem like nice people. Reetta even gave me her tomato! *face* Dunno about Suvi though. She's in nurse school. Nurses are evil aren't they? Too rational and stuff. I mean, think of Annika. Nurses = Root of Evil.
And yeah, there's always the kendoing. I'd have to get into kendo first but it's there. After a few months of playing slave Cinderella, I'd totally kick their asses. Only I don't think it'll be necessary. I'm only panicking because of my own dumb nature. It's gonna be okay.
...Or I'll get lots of drugs and it'll be SHINY!
And trust me they're clean. Reetta had single-handedly washed, vacuumed etc every public spot when I got here. And the fishfinger incident wasn't even her fault.
...The drugs are really sounding good. *nods*
And yeah, well, I was just the same in my first appartment when I moved out for the first time. It was too quiet. I had nothing to do, time went by really slowly etc. I got used to it though, eventually, so I'm sure this'll be fun too once I get used to it.
I suppose one element of my worry is the fact that Suvi (the second roomate) isn't here yet. So the whole "setting rules" thing feels weird with just one of them present. They have been living together for a few years now though so I don't think it'll be that problematic ;)
And yeah, your help is very appreciated. Now I have myself a full-size lynching party a holler away. Mwahahhahahaha. It'll come in handy if I don't get eaten by lions before that. >.>
Yes, I shall forever be bitter about your true sadistic nature. Now get me some cake, minion!
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