Title: The Pet Whisperer
rayvlinGenre: dark fic, there are both graphic het and slash scenes in the fic.
Pairing: Dean/Castiel, Dean/oc(s), oc/oc
Warnings: AU from 701
Rating: NC17
Word Count: 66.543
Summary: The pagan goddess Despoine is widely regarded as the best trainer of human pets in the supernatural world. When the new god Castiel demands her aid in training his pet Dean, she definitely knows better than to say no.
Disclaimer: I don't own a thing, but if I did, I definitely wouldn't mind having Dean for a pet.
Warnings: graphic horror, vore and gore, pagan gods, who look like humans, eating people including children. Dehumanization of what are essentially children into animals. Cannibalism. Non-con, slavery, dub-con, the pagan gods here fit the SPN mold, not necessarily that of their original mythology. Soylent green is people, abortion, ...
Thanks: to
xlamentcasx and
varkelton for the beta work. To
rayvlin for the great art. And to
perverted_pages for allowing me to use her idea of the specialized pet feeders that she came up with for her fic
Puppy Love Art can be found
hereFic can be found on Ao3
here OneTwoThreeFourFiveSixSevenEightNine