Meme tiime

Dec 14, 2011 17:09

It's meme time because I have hit walls on all the projects I'm working on.  I've even hopped around to old projects and I still just have no idea where any of them are going.  Nothing wants to be finished. Boooo.

First meme:
In a continuing quest to do everything ever other than the things I should be doing, I'm going to steal a post from [various people] and ask if you have any questions re: any of the stories I've written - what happens before, after, or in that scene in the middle that never got written, what the other characters were thinking about [x], whatever you've wondered about.

Second meme (that perplexes me because like, am I commenting on everything ever? lol ):
The Fic DVD Commentary Meme:

If you've ever watched your favorite dvds, and then found yourself eager to hear exactly what the actors, directors, writers and even production designers thought about making the episode, the movie, or whatever - you'll know sometimes the best parts of dvds are hearing the commentaries. Getting into an actor's feelings about the character they play, getting the background behind a writer's plans and metaphors, even just getting the stupid anecdotal stuff that makes you laugh, it's all good.

Ask me about any story, and I'll do a DVD commentary for it! Satisfy your curiosity!

Third meme:
Give me a pairing and I will tell you:
who is the big spoon/little spoon
what is their favorite non-sexual activity
who uses all the hot water in the morning
what they order from take out
what is the most trivial thing they fight over
who does most of the cleaning
what has a season pass in their DVR
who controls the netflix queue
who calls up the super/landlord when the heat’s not working
who steals the blankets
who leaves their stuff around
who remembers to buy the milk
who remembers anniversaries

Okay.  That is all.  I hate that I have thousands of words written on things but I don't have good segues or endings and that's all I neeed, ugggh.


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