Title: 'Miles to Go Before I Sleep'
Author: Lils
Theme: Descent
Genre: Angst
Version: Animanga AU
Rating: PG-13
A prequel, of sorts, of a prompt way back in February:
http://lilian413.livejournal.com/79878.html She was shivering. It was cold in the Dark Kingdom, so very, very cold… she was
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Comments 4
Then again, I twiddle over psychotic characters (Jamaica Inn anyone? I'd tap the awesome, psycho albino priest anyday.)
Poor Ami. That collar definitely made me cringe a little in my seat.
Lovely piece, Lilian! As always :)
I had a lot of fun writing this piece-- I'm really glad you liked it.
Way to go, Lils. And many congratulations for your TA achievement V^^V
About a certain fanart by a certain someone... believe me, I'm itching to work on it, and on other new stuff as well. But RL is being a bitch. I can barely steal the time to read your delectable short pieces before I'm whisked away by my duties ;.;
Don't worry about the fan-arts-- I just like to needle you once in a while so you don't forget. :-) Do try to have a little fun, though: all work and no play make Elianthos as crazy as Zoi!!! *smirks*
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