Hi there! This comment isn't related to this post at all, I'm just commenting on your most recent post because I noticed that you friended sometime in the last couple of months (I haven't been checking very often *sheepish*) and I have a filter that I always invite newcomers to my journal to join.
It's called the "Fics in Progress Babble" filter. There isn't any actual fic posted there, in whole or in part, though. It's just where I give status updates on stories in progress, bitch about problems I'm having in my writing, ask for help, post word counts, squee about finishing stories, and stuff like that.
People have to specifically ask to be put on the filter because I don't like to tease folks with stories that may not every be finished or posted. If they've knowingly signed up for said teasing, then it's okay. *g*
Comments 5
Welcome to the gorgeyness that is RM! Mind if I friend you?
It's called the "Fics in Progress Babble" filter. There isn't any actual fic posted there, in whole or in part, though. It's just where I give status updates on stories in progress, bitch about problems I'm having in my writing, ask for help, post word counts, squee about finishing stories, and stuff like that.
People have to specifically ask to be put on the filter because I don't like to tease folks with stories that may not every be finished or posted. If they've knowingly signed up for said teasing, then it's okay. *g*
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