Week 3 post - Me you and My mother (response to "Olive Grove")

Mar 13, 2009 14:05

In my response ive also tried to change the shaping of the poems structure to further reinforce my intensions , as we spoke about in class

"Me you and My mother"

What is it about
Power and Control that
turns us into selfish, ego-centric

You all know what im talking about
that pulls us in...
seduces us.
Making me curious
we All
have a weakness
What is your desire?

My mother is a beautiful women
im not sure whether she was more so
on the outside or the indside
But boy was she a fast learner
She learnt very quickly the ways
in which men
fell at her feet
She fed
off this
Loved it when she would walk down the street with her daughter and people would say...
"Are you two sisters?"
I knew
they were just trying to be nice
But she loved it
the admiration, kindness even jealousy people exerted when they were around her

This world is a harsh one
Nothing is simple these days
Theres just so much
the list goes on...
How do people
Sometimes getting through the day seems
When you're all alone, desperate and vulnerable
to temptations
that are...
it's not hard to


As we
experience this journey
we all
have to travel.. We find things
Like my mother did
Things that take
the edge off our day and help us Feel that much
Just For A Moment

When you feel trapped
almost suffocating, you know you will survive
Your not sure how long... but you
just have to
Hold on a little longer
it is too overbearing, you cant take the pain anymore
You cant see the way out
What do you do?
There are usually two
Look for a quick, easy way out and escape as soon as
push throguh your fear until the pathway out is
If your desperate, the easiest
fastest way is most
Although, one thing ive learnt...
the easiest way out is most often
the Worst

My brother died 2 years ago
My sister died last year
Last week i had a home, today i dont
and tomorrow ill realise i never had one to begin with
This morning i couldnt find my toothbrush
so i had to walk around all day with that gross morning
taste in my mouth
Life is unpredictable and Never comes close to
being perfect adn working out the way we
Want it too
And this life is ironically filled with more death
Pain, immoral behavior and selfish ambition...
then Life itself

When you do something over and over again
It grows
Develops into
a hobby or a
Bad habit
either way it
apart of who
you are.

Back to my mother
Used men like you couldnt believe
Bless her soul, she tried
to give me advice one day
"Elizabeth, when you grow up make sure your husband
has lots of money"
OK mum
My mother hurt me alot
Do you want to know the
to the problems we had?
The place in her heart
Where she Began to look to fulfil her
own wants without noticing the people she was
treading all over to do it.
It was the first time she said in her heart...
"Its alright if i put this man before my children this
One time
It wont even affect them
That much
theyll get over it, there are worse things in life"

You know
when Ive had a hard day
And ive felt like
my day so far has been productive
deserve to rest
I love the feeling of jumping into my pyjamas
snuggling into my warm, comfortable, soft, cushiony bed
at 2pm in the afternoon
Sleeping the Rest of the day away just
because it made me feel good

When you
Start to justify something deep down
in your gut you Kknow is wrong and
hurtful to other people
self-destructive as well
youll know
We are All
Just like my mum.

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