I'm a quarter of the way through season two of Buffy!
That's our introduction to Spike and Inca Mummy Girl, for those who saw this long enough ago that episode numbers don't immediately spark any recognition.
As you might expect, this is all about shipping and hotness. Sorry, sorry, I can't help myself! It's a curse.
-I...I kind of ship Cordelia/Willow, Spike/Angel, and Spike/Drusilla. (Yes, the last one is actually canonical-ish. Weeeeird.) I find the whole one-sided Xander/Buffy thing to be ridiculously drawn out and cheesy. Willow is cute, though, and her one-sided crush is instead sad in a kicked-puppy way. Poor baby! :(
-Mommy-Summers makes my heart feel warm (for more reasons than her astounding hotness). She's just so great. <3
-I would be perfectly happy to resurrect mummies if they all looked like that. Rowr! /shallow
-Willow is SO MOE. It is INSANE.
-The way Xander stuffs golden cylinders stuffed with "delicious, white, creamy goodness" into his mouth makes me giggle in a very immature way.
-Dingoes Ate My Baby is a hilarious band name. Does it exist? It should exist.
-Inuit!Willow is ADORABLE and I want to crawl into her jacket and not even in the sexual way!
-I do have to admit, Xander and "Umpada" have genuine chemistry, and I do sympathize with her. If she wasn't, ya know, a corpse who has to kill people to keep alive, I would want her to stick around! As is, I do ship them. Too bad she's been deaded. Oh well!
-The red-haired lead guitarist is kind of cute and knows an amazing girl when he sees her. I kind of approve! I hope he sticks around a while. If he gains an actual personality, this could be fun!
I swear I used to think people who focused on shipping were weird and that I used to only write gen. Honestly, I don't know what happened to me.
ETA: Xander is hot in a bra. This...this is troubling.
ETA (again): Episode eight to ten update:
-Also Angel is ridiculously brave; he had no way of knowing that would work, but he tried it anyway! Aww. <3
-SPIKE HAS ANGEL YAAAAAY. <3 *cough* I mean...no, I meant that. Spike/Drusilla is kind of amazingly hot. So is the Angel torture scene! ROWR. ...wait, update: Spike/Dru/Angel. Perrrrfect. <3