Title: A Snape By Any Other Name
Chapter: 3/??
Summary: The tumultuous friendship between Severus Snape and Lily Evans, set in Fifth Year.
Characters/Pairings: Lily Evans, Severus Snape, Marauders. Hints of unrequited Lily/Snape, and as-yet-unrealized Lily/James, and an as-yet-unrealized Remus/Sirius
Genre: Angst/Gen
Rating/Warnings: PG-13
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Comments 3
I don't really do any serious slash shipping (I think I wrote one?) -- it's mostly to appeal to the audience who won't read genfic ;)
I did a lot of writing, Marauders era mostly, and posted it all over the internet in 2009ish. This one is one of my very few chaptered endeavors. There's a lot more in a googledoc, but I haven't posted. It's hard to get Snape's tone in general, but especially at 15.
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