So, I have discovered the joy of Asian Kung-Fu Generation. *drools with happiness* While I probably won't become majorly obsessed with it (who knows, though), I'll definately be listening to "loop & loop" for quite a while.
Loop & Loop In other news, it's raining happily and I am suffering from reversed-homesickness. I want to be at camp right now so badly. ^__^
I think I need to chill.
No more Mt. Dew + Candy.
On the upside, I'm in the process of getting a doctor's note that says I have to be allowed to carry mt. dew with me at all times as well as the rest of my meds. WOOT! Pop when others can't have any!
Well, that's assuming that works. I <3 my caffine requirements.
And I <3 my doctor even more for enforcing them.