Just because i'm in a shitty blah mood, i figured i'd share...

Dec 13, 2005 12:14

-his message -pwned

umm, ooooohhhhh, i'm so insulted by the fucktard who thinks he sooo cool cuz he knows that one word in leet *shivers in shit kickers*

-his message- dude..your a huge douche

his message-subject "Fag", body: DIE

his message- I'm bweeeeding! In case you didn't know you are the featured LOSER on www.gorillamask.net WELL DESERVED! Drink some drano

his message- you are a fucking douchebag, i hope you get fucked in your ass everynight!!!!!

His message-Subject: Dumbass, Body: You are a dumbass

his message- subject:you are fucked up, Body:How many years does a father have to molest their son for them to turn out like you? I am guessing about 5 years...but i could be wrong. thanks (i must add, i did reply to this fucker and instructed him to ask his own father for the answer to that question....yeah, i know, not very biting...but i'm too fuckin weak and blah right now to be sharp tongued)

his message- you were on the Daily Douche on www.gorillamask.com

congrats You're a faggot who is a piece of shit. people like you make me consider getting off myspace

,,!,, (i replied and told him to leave)

his message-Fucking die. Seriously. Look at yourself. Wow

his message- Nice make-up! You've got that "homo-clown" look down pat! You must be a real hit with the fellas.
I'm sure your world is dark and deep, causing you to write terrible poetry about it.
Seriously though. When I imagined the world's largest douchebag, I knew it would be an emo-kid....but I could not envision a douche as powerful as a homosexual-clown-emo-goth.
In closing, can you add me to your friends? I'd like to flame you on a more direct basis.

oh and check out gorillasmask.net
you were their Myspace Douche of the Day.

My reply to this fucker: normally i wouldn't waste my time replying to an ass such as yourself...but since you at least put effort in writing a full bodied e-mail, i figured i would be considerate and do the same...

first off, homo clown? c'mon dude, if you're going to insult me, try to be more fucking creative. And as for my 'deep dark world causing me to write terrible poetry'...i have a life, my world is neither dark nor deep, and i have better fucking things to do than wear my sisters jeans, hang out at the mall, and talk about how 'str8edge and hardcore' i am, and 'make out with boys because 'my girlfriend thinks it's hot'...

you, on the other hand, would be the lifeless douchebag...do you not have anything better to do than constantly mail me? if you're so 'kool' as you little screen name implies, why aren't you out being 'kool' with all of your 'kool' friends? Oh wait, that's right, you don't have a life, OR 'kool' friends...so i guess you really don't have anything better to do...

here's an idea, why don't you go to mommies medicine cabinet, find the bottle labled 'darvaset' and take, oh lets say, 4 or 5, and then go into daddies liquor cabinet and grab your favorite liquor...pop the pills and wash them down the the liquor...wait about an hour, and the convulsion should start kicking in...and IF you survive, then write a sad poem about how 'ronald mcFag tried to kill me'...

and dude, get a fucking clue...had you actually taken the time to read my profile and not just jump to conclusions, you would have noticed that there's not a single fucking emo band listed...yeah, i may look weird, but at least i have good taste in music...

in closing, i am who i am...don't like it? well nobody fucking asked you, so FUCK OFF... wanna do something about it? kill yourself, it would do us ALL a favor...

Merry Christmas and Happy Chanukkah!

and that was just a few of the many...just though i'd share...and that last fucker!! where in the fuck does he get calling me emo?!?
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