We own a washer and dryer!!! *SCORE!*
So needless to say, i feel like we've taken another large step towards being true civilized thing you know we'll have one of them thar com-putin machines with that nifty fangled 'inter-web' all of the kids are talkin bout...
The photoshoot went awesome last night. We got some pretty good shots...can't wait to see them after they've been touched up and stuffs. I really need to do more photoshoots...i kinda felt like an ass last night because i didn't know what to do...i hated that i had to keep asking nikki what to do. After a little bit, i started to warm up, but by that time, we were i think i was kinda reserved because, well, i really don't think of myself as photogenic...i've had some pretty cool pictures taken of me, don't get me wrong, but i just don't feel like i'm camera material...i dunno...if anything, i guess i would fall into the catagory of 'art' when it comes to photography...*shrugs*...but alas, awesome pictures were taken, and i can't wait to do it again.
mindwolf77, i'm kinda in the same boat with ya on the not smoking...cept i still am. I've managed to take it down to 3-4 a day, all during work. Next week, it's cold turkey...the withdrawl is gonna suck suckity suck suck, but it's gotta be done...Grant it, i did manage to find a a way to get around tge whole smoking thing...Aj dosen't smoke...Lilith Does...pretty much, when i'm in character at the bars or clubs, i will be avec cancer stick (i'm masochistic, but damn, i'm not that masochistic...ok, i just have a weakness for dependencies, what can i say?)
going to Kevs today after work to see his new place and to hang out for a little bit. We really haven't done that since he moved out, and i miss hanging out with him.
welp, back to the wubulus world of PORN! (well, actually for me it's invoices...isn't EOM fun?!? *gag*)
PS: the japanese chick in front of me is doing calls today..IN JAPANESE!! I love it! i just want to squeeze her and pinch her and squeeze her again!!...*Why is it when we see something cute, the first thought that comes to mind is to injure it affectionatley?...think about it...take for example, that time you saw that really cute baby...what was the firt thing that came to mind?...see, you really are a sedistic fuck...and thats why you're my friend*