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Comments 31

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lilithschilde June 18 2005, 23:40:00 UTC
Yay, and helllloooo! :o) Have added you back, and am looking forward to getting to know and play with you!


nowah October 25 2005, 08:18:24 UTC
This is off topic entirely but, what's the web site called where you made your icon at?


lilithschilde October 25 2005, 16:10:03 UTC
nowah October 26 2005, 03:34:28 UTC
Thank you :)


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lilithschilde November 30 2005, 01:25:26 UTC
You didn't. *hugs* My flist is just getting too big, and I find I can't keep up with having to go back two and sometimes three pages to read through things every time I come home from work.


trystanknight November 15 2006, 17:59:17 UTC
What movie is the dancing bar sequence on your LJ From? That just looks like a fun movie.


lilithschilde November 15 2006, 18:11:21 UTC
It's from Rent, during the La Vie Boheme sequence.


jcd1013 January 28 2008, 01:13:14 UTC
You're friends with shirerain, yes? I haven't heard from her in several months and was just wondering if you had been in contact with her.

Sorry for the random posting here.


lilithschilde January 28 2008, 03:24:35 UTC
I am. Sorry, but I've lost touch with her over the last year. Hope she's okay. Is she not responding to email?


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